Wikipedia:WikiProject Library of Congress Country Studies/Soviet Union

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A Country Study: Soviet Union (Former) Library of Congress Call Number DK17 .S6396 1991

   * Soviet Union (Former)
   * Foreword
   * Acknowledgements
   * Preface
   * Table A. Chronology of Important Events
   * Country Profile
         o Country
         o Geography
         o Society
         o Politics and Government
         o Economy
         o Science and Technology
         o Transportation and Communications
         o National Security 
   * Introduction 
   * Chapter 1 - Historical Setting: Early History to 1917 (Zenon E. Kohut and David M. Goldfrank)
         o Emergence of the East Slavs
               + The Peoples of the East European Plain
               + The East Slavs and the Varangians
               + The Golden Age of Kiev
               + The Rise of Regional Centers
               + The Mongol Invasion 
         o Muscovy
               + The Rise of Muscovy
               + The Evolution of Russian Autocracy
               + Ivan IV
               + The Time of Troubles
               + The Romanovs
               + Expansion and Westernization 
         o Early Imperial Russia
               + Peter the Great and the Formation of the Russian Empire
               + Era of Palace Revolutions
               + Imperial Expansion and Maturation: Catherine II 
         o Ruling the Empire
               + War and Peace, 1796-1825
               + Period of Reaction: Nicholas I, 1825-55 
         o The Transformation of Imperial Russia
               + Economic Developments
               + Reforms and Their Limits, 1855-92
               + Foreign Affairs after the Crimean War, 1856-93
               + The Age of Realism in Literature
               + The Rise of Revolutionary Populism and Russian Marxism, 1855- 90
               + Serge Witte and Accelerated Industrialization, 1891-1903
               + The Development of Radical Political Parties, 1892-1904
               + Imperialism in Asia and the Russo-Japanese War, 1894-1905 
         o The Last Years of Tsardom
               + The Revolution of 1905 and Counterrevolution, 1905-07
               + The Tenuous Regimes of Stolypin and Kokovstev, 1907-14
               + The Return to an Active Balkan Policy, 1906-13
               + Russia at War, 1914-16
               + The Strains of the War Effort and the Weakening of Tsarism 
   * Chapter 2 - Historical Setting: 1917 to 1982 (Thomas Skallerup)
         o Revolutions and Civil War
               + The February Revolution
               + The Period of Dual Power
               + The Bolshevik Revolution
               + Civil War and War Communism 
         o The Era of New Economic Policy
               + Lenin's Leadership
               + Stalin's Rise to Power
               + Foreign Policy, 1921-28
               + Society and Culture in the 1920s 
         o Transformation and Terror
               + Industrialization and Collectivization
               + The Period of the Purges
               + Mobilization of Society
               + Foreign Policy, 1928-39 
         o War Years
               + Prelude to War
               + The Great Patriotic War 
         o Reconstruction and Cold War
               + Reconstruction Years
               + The Cold War
               + Death of Stalin 
         o The Khrushchev Era
               + Collective Leadership and the Rise of Khrushchev
               + Foreign Policy under Khrushchev
               + Khrushchev's Reforms and Fall 
         o The Brezhnev Era
               + Collective Leadership and the Rise of Brezhnev
               + Foreign Policy of a Superpower
               + The Economy
               + Culture and the Arts
               + Death of Brezhnev 
   * Chapter 3 - Physical Environment and Population (David E. McClave)
         o Physical Environment
               + Global Position and Boundaries
               + Administrative-Political-Territorial Divisions
               + Topography and Drainage Geography of the Soviet Union
               + Climate Geography of the Soviet Union
               + Natural Resources Geography of the Soviet Union
               + Environmental Concerns Geography of the Soviet Union
         o Population
               + Vital Statistics
               + Age and Sex Structure
               + Mortality and Fertility
               + Urbanization
               + Migration
               + Distribution and Density
               + Marriage, Divorce, and the Family
               + Population Problems and Policies 
   * Chapter 4 - Nationalities and Religions (Ihor Y. Gawdiak)
         o Nationalities of the Soviet Union
               + Slavic Nationalities
                     # Russians
                     # Ukrainians
                     # Belorussians
                     # Other Slavs 
               + Baltic Nationalities
                     # Lithuanians
                     # Latvians
                     # Estonians 
               + Nationalities of the Caucasus
                     # Armenians
                     # Georgians
                     # Azerbaydzhanis
                     # Other Nationalities of the Caucasus 
               + Central Asian Nationalities
                     # Uzbeks
                     # Kazakhs
                     # Kirgiz
                     # Tadzhiks
                     # Turkmens 
               + Other Major Nationalities
                     # Moldavians
                     # Tatars
                     # Jews
                     # Chuvash
                     # Bashkirs
                     # Mordvins
                     # Germans
                     # Others 
         o Religious Groups in the Soviet Union
               + Orthodox
                     # Russian Orthodox Church
                     # Georgian Orthodox Church
                     # Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church 
               + Armenian Apostolic
               + Catholic
                     # Roman Catholic Church
                     # Ukrainian Catholic Church 
               + Protestant
               + Muslim 
         o Policy Toward Nationalities and Religions in Practice
         o Manifestations of National Assertiveness
               + Baltic Nationalities
               + Armenians
               + Ukrainians
               + Central Asian Nationalities
               + Russians
               + Other Nationalities 
   * Chapter 5 - Social Structure (Kenneth E. Nyirady)
         o Formation of Soviet Society
         o Stratification of Soviety Society
               + Socio-Occupational Groupings
                     # The Elite
                     # White-Collar Workers
                     # Blue-Collar Workers and Manual Laborers
                     # Agricultural Workers 
               + Other Determinants of Social Position
                     # Education
                     # Party Membership
                     # Nationality 
               + Benefits of Social Position
                     # Monetary Compensation
                     # Noncash Benefits and Access to Goods and Services
                     # Occupational Prestige 
               + Urban-Rural Cleavage
                     # Differences in Life-Styles
                     # Structure of Rural Society
                     # Decreasing Social Differences 
         o Social Mobility
         o Social Organizations
               + Trade Unions
               + Youth Organizations
               + Sports Organizations 
         o Gender and Family Roles
               + Role of Women
               + Male-Female Relationships
                     # Marriage
                     # Roles in Marriage
                     # Divorce
                     # Sex and Contraception 
               + The Soviet Family Family in the Soviet Union
                     # Evolution of the Soviet FamilyFamily in the Soviet Union
                     # Family SizeFamily in the Soviet Union
                     # Family and Kinship StructuresFamily in the Soviet Union
                     # Function of Family Family in the Soviet Union
   * Chapter 6 - Education, Health, and Welfare (Irene M. Steckler)
         o Education
               + Philosophy and Aims
               + Control and Administration
               + Pedagogy and Planning
               + Institutions of Learning
                     # Preschool
                     # Secondary Education
                     # Special Education
                     # Higher Education
                     # Teacher Training 
               + Quality, Reform, and Funding 
         o Health Care
               + Provision of Medical Care
               + Declining Health Care in the 1970s and 1980s 
         o Welfare
               + Pension System
               + Workers' Compensation
               + Other Assistance 
   * Chapter 7 - The Communist Party (Stephen R. Burant)
         o Lenin's Conception of the Party
               + Theoretical Underpinnings
               + Democratic Centralism 
         o Party Legitimacy
         o Central Party Institutions
               + Party Congress
               + Party Conference
               + Central Committee
               + Central Auditing Commission
               + Party Control Committee
               + Politburo
               + Secretariat
               + Commissions
               + General Secretary: Power and Authority 
         o Intermediate-Level Party Organizations
               + Republic Party Organization
               + Oblast-Level Organization
               + District- and City-Level Organization 
         o Primary Party Organization
         o Nomenklatura
               + The Party's Appointment Authority
               + Patron-Client Relations 
         o Party Membership
               + Selection Procedures
               + Training 
         o Social Composition of the Party 
   * Chapter 8 - Government Structure and Functions (Barry A. Zulauf, Stephen R. Burant, and James P. Nichol)
         o Constitutional Authority of Government
               + Early Soviet Constitutions
                     # The 1918 Constitution
                     # The 1924 Constitution
                     # The 1936 Constitution 
               + The 1977 Constitution
                     # Amendments to the 1977 Constitution
                     # Amendment Process
                     # Constitutional Rights
                     # Role of the Citizen
                     # State Symbols 
         o Central Government
               + Administrative Organs
                     # Council of Ministers
                     # Chairman of the Council of Ministers
                     # Council of Ministers Presidium
                     # Ministerial System
                     # Party Control of the Ministerial Apparatus 
               + Congress of People's Deputies
                     # Elections to the Congress of People's Deputies
                     # Deputies and Citizen Involvement 
               + Supreme Soviet
                     # Organs of the Supreme Soviet
                     # Presidium
                     # Chairman
                     # Soviet of the Union and Soviet of Nationalities
                     # Sessions of the Supreme Soviet
                     # Commissions and Committees
                     # Legislative Process
                     # Party Controls 
               + Control Organs
                     # Court System
                     # Procuracy
                     # Committees of People's Control
                     # Law 
         o Territorial Administration
               + Republic Level
                     # Legal Status
                     # Government 
               + Provincial and District Levels 
         o Elections 
   * Chapter 9 - Mass Media and the Arts (Joshua Spero)
         o Politicization of the Mass Media and the Arts
               + Leninist Principles
               + Socialist Realism 
         o Administration of the Mass Media and the Arts
               + The Party Role
               + The Government Role 
         o The Mass Media
               + Newspapers
               + Magazines and Journals
               + Radio
               + Television and Video Cassette Recorders
               + Computers 
         o The Arts
               + Literature
               + Cinema
               + Theater
               + Music
               + Painting, Sculpture, and the Graphic Arts 
   * Chapter 10 - Foreign Policy (James P. Nichol)
         o Ideology and Objectives Foreign relations of the Soviet Union
         o Foreign Policy Making and Execution
               + The Foreign Policy Makers
               + Departments of the Central Committee
               + Higher State and Government Organizations
               + The Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet
               + The Council of Ministers and Its Presidium
               + The Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
         o Instruments of Influence
               + Diplomatic Relations
               + Party and State Visits Abroad
               + Friendship and Cooperation Treaties
               + Communist Parties Abroad 
         o Soviet-United States Relations
         o Soviet-West European Relations
               + France
               + West Germany
               + Britain
               + Spain and Portugal
               + Scandinavia 
         o Soviet-East European Relations
         o Sino-Soviet Relations
         o Soviet-Japanese Relations
         o The Soviet Union and the Third World
               + The Middle East and North Africa
                     # Turkey
                     # Iran and Iraq
                     # Other Middle Eastern States 
               + Asia
                     # Afghanistan
                     # India
                     # Southeast Asia 
               + Sub-Saharan Africa
                     # Angola
                     # Ethiopia
                     # Mozambique 
               + Central and South America 
         o The Soviet Union and the Nuclear Arms Control
         o The Soviet Union and the United Nations 
   * Chapter 11 - Economic Structure and policy (Becky Gates)
         o Economic Structure
               + Nature of the National Economy
               + Labor
               + Retail and Wholesale Distribution System
               + Financial System 
         o Economic Planning and Control
               + Planning Process
               + Reforming the Planning System
               + Tools of Control 
         o Economic Policy
               + Past Priorities
               + The Twelfth Five-Year Plan, 1986-90 
   * Chapter 12 - Industry (Glenn E. Curtis)
         o Development of Soviet Industry
         o Industrial Resources
               + Raw Materials
               + Geographic Location Factors
               + The Territorial Production Complexes and Geographic Expansion
               + The Labor Force and Perestroika 
         o Industrial Organization
               + The Complexes and the Ministries
               + The Industrial Planning System
               + Structural Reform of Industry
               + The Military-Industrial Complex
               + Industrial Research and Design 
         o Machine Building and Metal Working
               + The Structure and Status of the Machine-Building and Metal- Working Complex
               + The Planning and Investment Process of the Machine-Building and Metal-Working Complex
               + The Location of the Machine-Building Industry
               + The Automotive Industry
               + The Electronics Industry 
         o Metallurgy
               + Role of Metallurgy
               + Metallurgy Planning and Problems
               + Metallurgical Combine Locations and Major Producers
               + Nonferrous Metals 
         o Chemicals
               + Plastics
               + Petrochemicals
               + Other Branches of the Chemical Industry
               + Chemical Planning Goals 
         o Fuels
               + Fuel Resource Base
               + Oil
               + Natural Gas
               + Coal
               + Uranium 
         o Power Engineering
               + Energy Planning Goals
               + The Balance among Energy Sources
               + Obstacles to Power Supply
               + Heat and Cogeneration 
         o The Consumer Industry
               + Consumer Supply in the 1980s
               + The Logic and Goals of Consumer Production
               + Textiles and Wood Pulp 
   * Chapter 13 - Agriculture (Ronald D. Bachman)
         o Policy and Administration
               + Stalin's Legacy
               + Evolution of an Integrated Food Policy 
         o Land Use
         o Production
               + Grain
               + Technical Crops
               + Forage Crops
               + Potatoes and Vegetables
               + Other Crops
               + Animal Husbandry
               + Forestry
               + Fishing
               + The Twelfth Five-Year Plan, 1986-90 
   * Chapter 14 - Transportation and Communications (Boris Hlynsky)
         o Railroads
               + Historical Background, 1913-39
               + World War II
               + The Postwar Period, 1946-60
               + Organization and Equipment of the Railroads
               + Passenger Operations
               + The Baykal-Amur Main Line
               + Other New Construction
               + Metropolitan Railways 
         o Automotive Transport
               + Development of Automotive Transport
               + Freight Transportation by Trucks
               + Passenger Transportation 
         o Inland Waterways
               + Development of Waterways
               + The Waterway System
               + River Ports and Facilities
               + Passenger Transportation 
         o Merchant Marine
               + Initial Developments
               + Fleet Operations 
         o Civil Aviation
               + Postwar Evolution of the Air Fleet
               + Aeroflot Operations 
         o Pipelines
         o Communications 
   * Chapter 15 - Foreign Trade (Malinda K. Goodrich) Foreign trade of the Soviet Union
         o Development of the State Monopoly on Foreign TradeForeign trade of the Soviet Union
         o Structure of the Foreign Trade BureaucracyForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + AdministrationForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + OperationForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + Structural Reforms, 1986 to Mid-1988 Foreign trade of the Soviet Union
         o Trade with Socialist CountriesForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + The Council for Mutual Economic AssistanceForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + YugoslaviaForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + ChinaForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + Cambodia, Laos, and North Korea Foreign trade of the Soviet Union
         o Trade with Western Industrialized CountriesForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + The United StatesForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + Western EuropeForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + JapanForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + Finland Foreign trade of the Soviet Union
         o Trade with Third World CountriesForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + Balance of TradeForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + Composition of TradeForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + Africa, Asia, and Latin AmericaForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + Countries of Socialist OrientationForeign trade of the Soviet Union
               + Trade with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Foreign trade of the Soviet Union
         o Gorbachev's Economic Reforms Foreign trade of the Soviet Union
   * Chapter 16. Science and Technology (Cathleen A. Campbell)
         o Early Development
         o The Administration of Science and Technology
               + Policy Making
               + Planning
               + Financing 
         o Science and Ideology
         o Research, Development and Production Organizations
         o Soviet Innovation: Problems and Solutions
         o Technology and Information Transfer
         o Military Research and Development
         o Training 
   * Chapter 17 - Military Doctrine and Strategic Concerns (Eugenia V. Osgood)
         o Marxist-Leninist Theory of War
               + War as a Continuation of Politics
               + Laws of War 
         o The Party and Military Doctrine and Policy
               + Evolution of Military Doctrine
               + Military Doctrine in the Late 1980s
               + Doctrine and Weapons Programs
               + Military Policy of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union 
         o Military Science
               + Laws of Armed Conflict
               + Principles of Military Art
               + Military Art
                     # Military Strategy
                     # Nuclear Strategy in the 1950s
                     # The Sokolovskii Era, l962-68
                     # New Strategic Options, l968-89
                     # Operational Art
                     # Tactics 
         o Strategic Missions of the Armed Forces
               + Threat Assessments and Force Requirements
               + Offensive and Defensive Strategic Missions
               + Strategic Offense
                     # Strategic Operation in a Theater of Military Operations
                     # Strategic Defense 
         o Global Strategic Concerns
               + Force Projection on the Periphery
               + Military Presence in the Third World 
         o Arms Control and Military Objectives
               + Strategic Arms Control
                     # Averting a World War
                     # Retaining a Capability to Fight and to Win 
               + Objectives in Space
                     # Negotiations
                     # Soviet Space Weapons Development 
               + Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Arms Control
                     # Threat Reduction
                     # Denuclearization of Europe 
               + Conventional Arms Control 
   * Chapter 18. Armed Forces and Defense Organization (Karl Wheeler Soper)
         o Organizational Development and Combat Experience
         o Strategic Leadership of the Armed Forces
               + Defense Council
               + Main Military Council
               + Ministry of Defense
               + General Staff 
         o The Armed Services
               + Strategic Rocket Forces
               + Ground Forces
                     # Motorized Rifle Troops and Tank Troops
                     # Rocket Troops and Artillery
                     # Air Defense of Ground Forces
                     # Chemical Troops, Engineer Troops, and Signal Troops 
               + Air Forces
                     # Strategic Air Armies
                     # Frontal Aviation
                     # Military Transport Aviation 
               + Air Defense Forces
                     # Antiaircraft Rocket Troops and Air Defense Aviation
                     # Missile and Space Defenses 
               + Naval Forces
                     # Submarine Forces
                     # Surface Forces
                     # Naval Aviation
                     # Naval Infantry
                     # Coastal Defense Forces 
               + Airborne Troops and Special-Purpose Forces
               + Rear Services
               + Civil Defense
               + Specialized and Paramilitary Forces
                     # Internal Troops
                     # Border Troops 
         o Territorial Organization of the Armed Forces
               + Military Districts
               + Fleets, Flotillas, and Squadrons
               + Groups of Forces Stationed Abroad 
         o The Party and the Armed Forces
               + Political-Military Relations
               + Military Representation in the Party
               + Party Control in the Armed Forces 
         o Military Economics
               + Defense Spending
               + Military Industries and Production
               + Military Technology 
         o Uniforms and Rank Insignia
         o Military Manpower
               + Premilitary Training
               + Conscripts
                     # Life in the Soviet Armed Forces
                     # Noncommissioned Officers
                     # National Minorities in the Armed Forces
                     # Women in the Armed Forces 
               + Officers
               + Reserves and Wartime Mobilization 
   * Chapter 19 - Internal Security (Amy W. Knight)
         o Predecessors of the Committee for State Security and the Ministry Internal Affairs
               + The Tsarist Period
               + Soviet Predecessor Organizations, 1917-54 
         o The Security Apparatus and Kremlin Politics
               + Khrushchev Period
               + After Khrushchev
               + Gorbachev Era 
         o Organization of the Committee for State Security
               + Structure
               + Functions and Internal Organization
               + Party Control
               + Personnel 
         o Domestic Security and the Committee for State Security
               + Legal Prerogatives
               + Policy
               + Special Departments in the Armed Forces 
         o The Foreign Intelligence Role of the Committee for State Security
               + Organization
               + Intelligence and Counterintelligence
               + Active Measures
               + Influence on Foreign Policy 
         o The Ministry of Internal Affairs
               + Functions and Organization
               + Leadership
               + Control by the Party 
         o The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Judicial Organs, and Non-Political Crime
               + Socialist Legality
               + The Procuracy
               + Military Justice
               + The Judiciary and the Legal Profession
               + Legal Codes and Abuses of the System
               + Nonpolitical Crime and Punishment 
         o Internal Security Troops
               + Border Troops of the Committee for State Security
               + Security Troops of the Committee for State Security
               + Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 
   * Appendices
         o Appendix B. The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Malinda K. Goodrich) Comecon
         o Appendix C. The Warsaw Pact (Karl Wheeler Soper) 
   * Bibliography
   * Glossary