Wikipedia:WikiProject Harry Potter/Images

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Info If you upload an image and don't want it to be deleted, you must add some appropriate tag to the image description page at [[Image:Filename]]. For film shots, you should use {{film-screenshot}}.

This is an index of nearly all Harry Potter-related images on Wikipedia. Images that need improvement are marked with (*). Also requested is :

  • Sort these images (if you add an image, please place it here or sort it) :
  • Add photos for the following character(s) :
    1. Irma Pince - Had a picture but was removed because it was unsourced.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Characters

[edit] The trio

Harry Potter (PS) Image:DanielRadcliffe as HarryPotter.jpg
Harry Potter (GoF) Image:Harry Potter - GoF Promo.jpg
Harry Potter playing Quidditch Image:Quidditch.jpg
Hermione Granger (PS) Image:Hermione in Harry Potter 1.jpg

[edit] Other Gryffindors

Gryffindor crest Image:Gryffindor.jpg
Fred and George Weasley Image:Fred and george weasley hp.jpg
Neville Longbottom (*) Image:Neville longbottom hppoa.jpg
Neville Longbottom Image:Neville first movie.jpg
Percy Weasley Image:Percy Weasley.jpg
Oliver Wood Image:Sean Biggerstaff.jpg
Lee Jordan Image:Leejordan.jpg
Parvati Patil Image:Parvati patil hp.jpg
Nearly Headless Nick Image:Nearly headless nick hpps.jpg
Portraits in Hogwarts Image:Harry Potter Fatlady.jpg

[edit] Slytherins

Slytherin crest Image:Slytherin.jpg
Pansy Parkinson Image:Pansy parkinson hp.jpg
Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson Image:Dracocrabbegoylepansy.jpg
Marcus Flint Image:Cast-flint.jpg
The Bloody Baron Image:Baron.jpg

[edit] Ravenclaws

Ravenclaw crest Image:Ravenclaw.jpg
The Grey Lady (*) Image:Grey lady hpps.jpg
Luna Lovegood Image:LunaLovegood.jpg or rather Image:Evanna as Luna.jpg
Roger Davies Image:Roger and Fleur.jpg

[edit] Hufflepuffs

Hufflepuff crest Image:Hufflepuff.jpg
Hannah Abbott Image:hannah abbott hp.jpg
Susan Bones (*) Image:Susan bones.jpg
Justin Finch-Fletchley (*) Image:justin f-f hp.jpg
Ernie Macmillan Image:Ernie Macmillan.jpg
The Fat Friar Image:Fat friar hpps.jpg

[edit] Hogwarts Employees

Dumbledore Image:Dumbledoreharris1.jpg
McGonagall (animagus) Image:PS-Animagus.jpg
Hagrid Image:Hagrid.jpeg
Snape Image:Severus snape.jpg
Severus Snape Image:Snapejinxingbroom.jpg
Flitwick (Philosopher's Stone) Image:ProfessorFlitwick(TPS).jpg
Flitwick (Goblet of Fire) Image:Flitwick(GoF).jpg
Lupin Image:Remus-lupin.png
Quirrell Image:Quirrell.jpg
Trelawney Image:Trellaway4.png
Sprout Image:Picture 1.JPG
Filch Image:Filtch.jpg
Mad-Eye Moody Image:Mad Eye Moody GoF.jpg

[edit] Other Order Members

Sirius Black Image:Sirius black hppoa.jpg
Mr. Weasley Image:Arthur Weasley.jpg
Mrs. Weasley Image:Molly weasley hppoa.jpg
The Potters Image:The potters hp.JPG
James Potter Image:James potter.jpg
Lily Potter Image:Lily potter.jpg
Bill Weasley Image:Billweasley.jpg
Charlie Weasley Image:Charlieweasley.jpg

[edit] Death Eaters

Dark Mark Image:Dark Mark.JPG
Lucius Malfoy Image:Lucius Malfoy.jpg
Peter Pettigrew Image:Wormtail.jpg
Barty Crouch Jr. Image:Barty crouch jr.jpg
Bellatrix Lestrange Image:Spinnersend.jpg, Image:Hpbellatrix3.jpg

[edit] Miscellaneous groups

None at the moment

[edit] Others

Cornelius Fudge Image:Cornelius fudge hppoa.jpg
Rita Skeeter Image:Rita skeeter hpgf.jpg
Madame Maxime Image:Olympe Maxime-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (movie).png
Viktor Krum Image:Viktor krum hpgf.jpg, Image:KrumCostume.png (for Durmstrang costume)
Uncle Vernon Image:Uncle vernon hp.JPG
Aunt Petunia Image:Aunt petunia hp.JPG
Dudley Image:Dudley dursley hp.jpg
Aunt Marge Image:Aunt marge hp.jpg
Moaning Myrtle Image:Moaning myrtle hpcs.jpg
Barty Crouch, Sr. Image:Barty Crouch GoF.jpg
Madam Rosmerta Image:Madam rosmerta hp.jpg
Mr Ollivander Image:Mr ollivander hpps.jpg
Stan Shunpike Image:Stan Shunpike.jpg
Sir Cadogan Image:Sircadogan.jpg
Igor Karkaroff Image:Igor Karkaroff GoF.jpg
Frank Bryce Image:FrankBryce.jpg
Gabrielle Delacour Image:Gabrielle Delacour.jpg
Tom (barman) Image:TomMoviesComparision.jpg

[edit] Creatures

Hedwig Image:Hedwig hp.jpg
Crookshanks Image:Crookshanks3.jpg
Crookshanks Image:Crookshanks.gif
Dobby Image:Dobby.jpg
Fang Image:Fang.jpg
Aragog Image:Aragog.jpg
Fluffy Image:Fluffy-PS.jpg
Buckbeak Image:Buckbeak.jpg
Movie screenshot of a Dementor Image:Dementor Prisoner of Azkaban.jpg
A thestral Image:Thestral.jpg
The Hungarian Horntail Image:Hungarianhorntail.jpg

[edit] Places

Hogwarts Image:Hogwarts.jpg
Entrance to Platform 9¾ Image:Kings Cross Platform Nine And Three Quarters.jpg
Diagon Alley Image:Diagon alley.jpg
Knockturn Alley Image:HagridKnockturn.jpg
Gringotts Image:Gringotts bank.jpg
Ollivander's Image:Harry potter Ollivanders wand shop.jpg
The Burrow Image:Burrow.jpg
The Shrieking Shack Image:HPSShack.jpg
Little Whinging Image:Littlewhinging.jpg
The Leaky Cauldron Image:Theleakycauldron.jpg
The Riddle House Image:GoFRiddleHouse.png

[edit] Maps

Map of most probable locations of the Witchcraft schools in Europe Image:HP possible European wichcraft schools locations.JPG
Map of most probable locations for Little Hangleton Image:HP possible locations of Little Hangleton.JPG
Map of most probable locations for Godric's Hollow Image:HP possible locations of Godric's Hollow.PNG

[edit] Objects

Hogwarts Express Image:Hogwarts Express.jpg
Harry Potter holding a Nimbus 2000 Image:Nimbus2000.jpg
Harry and Draco holding Nimbus 2000 and 2001 Image:Nimbus2000 2001.jpg
Knight Bus (*) Image:Knight Bus.jpg

[edit] Real-life People

Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort) Picture needed
Dame Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall) Image:M Smith.jpg
John Cleese (Nearly Headless Nick) Image:John Cleese.jpg
Miranda Richardson (Rita Skeeter) Image:Queeniepic.jpg
Nicholas Flamel Image:Nicholasflamel.png

[edit] Book Covers

[edit] Bloomsbury (UK) children's editions

Philosopher's Stone Image:Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.jpg
Chamber of Secrets Image:Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.jpg
Prisoner of Azkaban Image:Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.jpg
Goblet of Fire Image:Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.jpg
Order of the Phoenix Image:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.jpg
Half-Blood Prince Image:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.jpg

[edit] Bloomsbury (UK) adult editions

Goblet of Fire Image:Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire adult edition.jpg
Goblet of Fire (Paperback) Image:Goblet_of_Fire_Bloomsbury_Paperback_Adult.jpg
Order of the Phoenix Image:HP5-Int-A.jpg

[edit] Scholastic (American)

Sorcerer's Stone Image:Sorcerer's stone cover.jpg
Chamber of Secrets Image:Chamber of secrets.jpg
Prisoner of Azkaban Image:Prisoner of Azkaban cover.jpg
Goblet of Fire Image:Goblet fire cover.jpg
Order of the Phoenix Image:Order of Phoenix cover.jpg
Half-Blood Prince (back cover) Image:Half-Blood Prince back cover.jpeg

[edit] Other Editions

Harry Potter and Leopard-Walk-Up-to-Dragon, an unauthorised Chinese book Image:Harry-potter chinese 070502.jpg

[edit] Movie Posters

Chamber of Secrets Image:Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie.jpg
Prisoner of Azkaban Image:Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban poster.jpg
Goblet of Fire Image:Harrypotterandthegobletoffireposter.jpg

[edit] Video Games

Sorcerer's Stone Image:HPstonebox.jpg
Chamber of Secrets Image:Hpatcosbox.jpg
Quidditch World Cup Image:Harrypotterqwcbox.jpg

[edit] Other Images

Harry Potter's family tree Image:HarryPotterFamilyTree.png
The Weasleys' family tree Image:Weasleys.png
Quidditch pitch diagram Image:Quidditch Pitch Dimensions.PNG
Order of the Phoenix Amazon box Image:Harry Potter OotP Amazon box.jpg
Platform 9¾, tourist attraction Image:Kings Cross Platform 9,75.jpg
The Hogwarts Express off-set Image:GWR 'Hall' 5972 'Olton Hall' at Doncaster Works.JPG
Quidditch Lane in Cambourne Image:Quidditch Lane, Cambourne.jpg
Risley Hall decorated as the Great Hall Image:Risley Hogwarts.jpg
House of real-life Nicholas Flamel, Paris Image:P5140135.JPG
Triwizard Tournament Promotional Screenshot Image:Hpgof triwizard.png
Pile of books Image:Harrypotterpile.jpg
JK Rowling as a character on The Simpsons Image:Jo simpsons.jpg
Hogsmeade Image:Hogsmeade.jpg

[edit] Images that have been deleted

These images may have been deleted for many reasons, such as inadequacy or copyright issues (improper fair use rationale). Be sure to check their deletion logs and replace them if necessary.

Hogwarts crest Image:Rj hogw.gif
Scabbers Image:Scabbers hppoa.jpg
Diagon Alley#Flourish & Blotts Image:Flourish and Blotts.jpg
Godric's Hollow Image:Godrics Hollow.jpg
Chocolate Frogs Image:Chocolate Frogs from cards.GIF
Image from Bloomsbury's web site Image:Bloomsbury HP Valentine Teaser.JPG
Image from Bloomsbury's web site (brightened) Image:Bloomsbury HP Valentine Teaser Bright.JPG
Snape Image:Severus-Snape-fighting.png
Harry Potter (PoA) Image:Patronus.jpg
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Image:GoFHarryPotterRonWeasley.jpg
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film) promotional picture Image:SneakpeakOotPposter.jpg
Cho Chang Image:Cho Chang - Katie Leung.jpg
Lupin Image:Remus lupin hppoa.jpg
Lockhart Image:Gilderoy Lockhart.jpg
Filch in the CoS movie Image:Filch-cs.jpg
Sirius Black Image:Siriusblackcalendar.png
Durmstrang students Image:DurmstrangClothes.png
Movie Poster: Philosopher's Stone Image:HarryPotterAndThePhilosophersStoneMoviePoster.jpg
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (video game) Image:242487.jpg
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (video game) Image:444.jpg