Wikipedia:WikiProject Community/Strategy/WikiProjectCentral

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WikiProjectCentral: A Modest Proposal

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This draft is a tool for looking at ALL of the WikiProjects rendered at Category:WikiProjects and makes an attempt at classifying and tracking them through a potentially automated process.

The proposal included looks at extending the way it's currently done through a few additional features contained in the template about to be discussed and some semi-automated handlers that might could be designed to coordinate intraproject and interproject crosstalk.

[edit] Intrduction

Definition: A WikiProject is a page resource devoted to the management of a specific family of information within Wikipedia.

The page resource can be found at Template: WikiProject

In it you will see this family of information that sort of reflects the following work-in-progress refinement:

Template: Intro to WikiProjects

  • Scope
    • Parentage
      • Decendancy
  • Participation
    • founder
      • active users
        • supporters
        • link to guidelines /General
      • link to in-depth documentation /Strategy
    • link to WikiPraxis guidelines
  • local final copy of RSS newsfeed
Template: RSS newsfeed (global news protocol) WikiProject_topic/WikiPraxis
Template: XML Schema (globol scope document) WikiProject_topic/WikiHash
  • local final copy of XML Schema
    • Topical Hierarchy
      • Inclusion requirements (what will be included?)
      • Topical outline (how will it be arranged?)
        • Unordered List: /0/ (pipe separated alphabetical flat list) = @ULtopic
        • Top-level Ordered List List: /1/ (pipe separated ordered list) = @OL1topic
          • First Subtopic Ordered List List: /2/ (pipe separated ordered list) = @OL2topic
            • Second Subtopic Ordered List List: /3/ (pipe separated ordered list) = @OL3topic
    • Portal Requirements and structure
      • Link to global portal template: Template:Wikiportal
        • Link to plenary portal template Wikipedia:WkiProject/Strategy/Wikiportal
          • Link to plenary portal draft Wikipedia:WikiProject/General/Wikiportal
        • Link to plarary portal prototype: Wikipedia:WikiProject/Wikiportal
      • Link to local draft template:Wikipedia:WikiProject_topic/Strategy/Wikiportal/topic
    • Link to local draft Wikiportal: Wikipedia:WikiProject_topic/General/Wikiportal/topic
  • Link to local Final Wikipedia:WikiProject_topic/Wikiportal/topic

Link to published draft

Template: RDF File - Resource description framework - RDF metadata
    • local draft copy of XML Schema
    • Methodological Scheme
      • Statement of Purpose (expansion of scope)
        • Link to Guide_talk (rationale, faq, help, etc.)
        • Link to Journal_talk (theory, methods observations. etc)
      • Method class listing
    • Method
  • Range:
    • Portal
      • Current: Wikiportal/topic_name
        • Draft: Wikipedia:Wikiportal/topic_name
      • New Articles
    • List of Featured Articles
  • Draft of Current Article
Current Featured Article
List: Previous Featured Article
Template: Featured Article
Wikipedia: Organization Profile
Wikipedia: WikiProject_File Wikipedia:List of WikiProjects - Unordered
Wikipedia: WikiProject_RankList of WikiProjects - Ranked

The page resource frame and the family of information inside of it goes into a local hash called WikiHash.

The Top-ranked WikiProjects go to WikiPraxis Their award-winning methods are exposed in WikiPragma

It is hoped that the [[WikiPraxis]]+[[WikiPragma]]=[[WikiHash]] formula will succeed in amalgamating the efforts of the vast Wikipedia Community into a shining example of teamwork, consensus and dilegence for all the world to see.

(previous 200) (next 200)


This schema introduces the User: Namespace to the List: Category: and Template: Namespaces

The following is what the Inventer calls the [[WHAT!]]+[[HOW?]]=[[VORTEX]]

  • local final copy of RSS newsfeed

Template: RSS newsfeed (global news protocol) WikiProject_topic/WikiPraxis Template: XML Schema (globol scope document) WikiProject_topic/WikiHash

The VORTEX above assembles the Family of Information about each WikiProject into its own local WikiHash Table based on User:Quinobi/WikiHash (directory).

NOTE: The Inventor realizes that Hashes have limitations, and doesn't know for sure if a List: namespace even exists. However that doesn't halt the progress toward the development of the general and specific contexts from which this schema was conceived.

With the Inventor's scetchy knowledge of Practical Extraction and Report Language perl and the Unified Modeling Language, He hopes to teach and learn a new language he calls a Pragma (Unifying theme) that facilitates a community-wide Praxis for Users who build encyclopedias.

With the help of a few toolmakers and community builders the inventor of this engine (or contraption at this point LOL) hopes to perfect and propagate a transparent methodology that will propagate the notion of consensus-driven strategem for Human and machine interfaces. The bots, spiders and other critters that creep and crawl around the web can feed happily on Wikipedia content and activity profiles presented shameless on our ports:

So much for megalomania | Back down to business

global context | local context | plenary context | personal context

That is the quadradic frame for the twin mutex (patent waived) (dual licenced - LGPL - CC-wiki)

Link to local Final [[Wikipedia:WikiProject topic/Wikiportal/topic]] Link to published draft

seed for local draft copy of XML Schema

There are 12 subcategories to this category.
There are 188 articles in this category.