Wikipedia:WikiProject Cheeses

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WikiProject Cheeses is an attempt to build the web's most complete encyclopedia of cheeses, integrated with and embedded within the Wikipedia. This document describes a loose outline/template for the articles within the project, with the goal of giving authors a guide to the important details of a cheese article, and to suggest a structure which would make them more straightforward while also giving them a common look and feel.

Unlike other WikiProjects, this project does not attempt to define a rigorous, heading-driven outline for the article. Rather, it should be used as a set of guidelines to insure that all important details have been covered in a cheese article. A table is defined below that can be included along the right side of the article, giving the basic facts of the cheese at a glance.

The template below is a draft that will be undergoing changes along the way (see Wikipedia:WikiProject_Cheeses/Status.) For an example of a real cheese, see Roquefort cheese.

Remember that everything below is a guideline. Not all cheeses are the same, and not everything can be pushed into a framework in the same way. However, having some general set of cheese "basics" covered would be great.


[edit] A note on article names

Cheese articles should be given a unique name that clearly differentiates them from other potential topics that might ocupy the same name. This is especially important in the case of European cheeses, where cheese are frequently named after a town or region.

The simple solution is to append "cheese" to the article name (eg. Roquefort cheese, Brie cheese, Cheddar cheese). Whether you choose to append "cheese" to non-ambiguous titles is a left to individual authors (as in the case of Monterey Jack cheese). Note that the designation should not be applied where it is redundant, as in the case of "Queso blanco".

[edit] Title

WikiProject Cheeses

[edit] Scope

This WikiProject aims to structure all cheese articles.

[edit] Parentage

No parent WikiProjects are defined.

[edit] Descendant WikiProjects

No descendant WikiProjects are defined.

[edit] Participants

[edit] Structure

The article should start with a brief description of the cheese, including:

  • the nature of the milk (or substance) from which the cheese is produced (eg. goat's milk, cow's milk, ewe's milk)
  • a high-level description of the cheese's flavorfulness (mild, flavourful, sharp)
  • a rough notion of the cheese's texture (soft, semi-soft, hard, etc.)
  • if applicable, the region in which the cheese is made, and/or originates

Much of this information can be conveyed concisely in the first sentence(s) of the article. Example: "Roquefort is a flavorful ewe's-milk bleu cheese from the south of France."

The article should move on (over the first or first several paragraphs) to a more detailed description of the cheese, including:

  • description of the cheese's appearance (eg, "shot with blue veins of mold", "inedible orange rind".)
  • (optionally) some attempt to describe the flavor of the cheese

The article should continue to list any unique details of the cheese, including:

  • A description of the production process
  • History (even if legendary) of the discovery/invention of the cheese
  • Variants of the cheese (eg US cheddar vs. English Cheddar)
  • A list of producers (where applicable-- don't bother with widely produced cheeses.)

Next, there is a table with quick facts about the cheese. A template for the table can be found at the bottom of this page. The contents are as follows:

  • The official full name of the cheese. If there are several official names, list all (eg. port-du-salut/entrammes).
  • A picture of the cheese, where available. We have not yet located a source of public-domain or copylefted cheese images. Do not grab images off the web unless you're sure they're not copyrighted!
  • Primary geographical production area. If the cheese has no center of production, specify "worldwide". (At some point, a map might be helpful)
  • The milk (or non-milk substance) from which the cheese is made. Specify whole or skim milk where appropriate.
  • Pasteurization: Yes/No/Occasionally/Frequently or something more descriptive.
  • Texture (semi-soft, soft, hard, etc.)
  • Average fat content (as a percentage.)
  • Average protein content (as a percentage.)
  • Size/weight of a cheese wheel (where applicable)
  • Affinage/aging time (specify if there are multiple stages.)
  • Trademarks, production guilds, etc. (eg AOC for many protected French cheeses.)

Description paragraph.

Cheese name
Other names: Xxxxx
Production area Xxxxx
Origin Xxxxx
Milk Xxxxx
Pasteurized Yes/No/Etc.
Texture Xxxxx
Fat content X%
Protein content X%
Cheese dimensions/weight Xcm x Ycm/Zkg
Aging time X weeks
Trademark/control Xxxxx/Yyyyy

Additional information.

[edit] External links

  • (link)

See Wikipedia:WikiProject Cheeses/Status for the status of conversion.