Template:WikiProject Kent

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is within the scope of WikiProject Kent, a collaborative effort to improve Wikipedia's coverage of topics connected with Kent. If you would like to participate, you can visit the WikiProject Kent project page, where you can join the project and see a list of open tasks.

The following changes have been suggested to improve this article:

  • no suggestions have been made

You can update this list by editing this page and changing the suggestions parameter of this template.

[edit] Usage

This template should be added to the talk pages of articles within the scope of WikiProject Kent. Please include the suggestions parameter even when no suggestions have been made - this makes it easier for suggestions to be added later:

{{WikiProject Kent
| suggestions =

[edit] Example

{{WikiProject Kent
| suggestions =
* Sources should be cited
* History section needs expansion

The code above results in:

This article is within the scope of WikiProject Kent, a collaborative effort to improve Wikipedia's coverage of topics connected with Kent. If you would like to participate, you can visit the WikiProject Kent project page, where you can join the project and see a list of open tasks.

The following changes have been suggested to improve this article:

  • Sources should be cited
  • History section needs expansion

You can update this list by editing this page and changing the suggestions parameter of this template.