Category talk:Wikipedia tutorial

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This is my first try to communicate with the "outside", about my experiences in life. I am a Holocaust Survivor who survived the extermination camps of Transnistria 1941 - 1944. Very little is written or known about this area of the Ukraine where about 300 000 Jews deported from Bukowina and Bassarabia ( two north eastern provinces of Romania) were murdered or died from hunger, disease, slave labor or "plainly shot". Transnistria cannot be found on the map today and the name was given to this area between the rivers Dniester and Bug(south western Ukraine) in the fall of 1941- the start of the campaign by the axis forces against the Soviet Union " the Barbarossa Campaign ". Transnistria ceased to exist ( by name ) after the area was liberated by the Soviet armies. It remains the forgotten cemetery for thousands upon thousands of Jews who perished just because they were Jews and because the Nazi regime planned to exterminate all the Jews from Europe. I do belong to the Holocaust Education Center in Toronto and am involved in speaking engagements to numerous schools. I am 82 years old and am dedicated to speak in front of young people, urging them to resist to current spread of anti-Semitism, hate, bigotry, prejudice and not just stand by, but being active in combating the spread of hate. J.L.