Wight Bank

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Wight Bank is a small, wholly submerged atoll structure in the Southwest of the Chagos Archipelago, about ?? km southeast of the southern tip of Pitt Bank. The location is 07°25'S, 071°31'E. It was first reported in 1886. It is almost ?? km in diameter. The total size is about ? km 2. The closest land is Île Sudest of Egmont Islands atoll, ?? km NWN. Diego Garcia is ?? km to the East. The least charted depth is 8.5 meters.

edit Atolls of the Chagos Archipelago (British Indian Ocean Territory) Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory
Atolls with land area: Diego García | Egmont Islands | Peros Banhos | Salomon Islands | Great Chagos Bank | Blenheim Reef | Speakers Bank
Totally submerged atolls: Colvocoresses Reef | Benares Shoals | Victory Bank | Cauvin Bank | Pitt Bank | Ganges Bank | Wight Bank | Centurion Bank | Owen Bank