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The Whoops are a difficult obstacle commonly part of motocross racing tracks. They are a series of bumps placed one after another and give the rider a bumpy ride. They are also sometimes called stutter bumps.

There are many different types of whoops. Some whoop sections consist of big whoops and some have very small ones. There may be 5 whoops or there could be 30. Sometimes they are close together and sometimes they are far apart. Whoops can be peaked and triangular or round. As you can tell no two sets of whoops are alike.

When riding through the whoops you must first access what they are like. If they are tall than you might be able to jump through them by doubling, tripling, or even quading them. If they are small it may be faster to blitz them. Blitzing whoops means to ride over the tops of them very fast with the wheels barely skimming the tops.

Whoops are a fun and exciting part of the great sport motocross. To be a good motocross racer you have to be able to go through whoops good. Especially since almost every motocross track now days has at least one set.