Who's That Singing Over There

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Ko to tamo peva
Who's That Singing Over There

DVD cover
Directed by Slobodan Šijan
Produced by Milan Zmukić
Written by Dušan Kovačević
Starring Pavle Vujisić
Dragan Nikolić
Bata Stojković
Aleksandar Berček
Mića Tomić
Taško Načić
Boro Stjepanović
Slavko Štimac
Neda Arnerić
Miodrag Kostić
Nenad Kostić
Music by Vojislav Kostić
Cinematography Bozidar "Bota" Nikolić
Editing by Ljiljana "Lana" Vukobratović
Distributed by International Home Cinema (in USA)
Release date(s) 1980
Running time 86:00
Language Serbian
IMDb profile

Who's That Singing Over There (Serbian: Ко то тамо пева, Ko to tamo peva) is a 1980 Yugoslavian film written by Dušan Kovačević and directed by Slobodan Šijan.


[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

On April 5, 1941, one day before the Nazi invasion of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, a colourful group of random passangers on a country road deep in the heart of Serbia board a dilapidated Krstić & Son bus headed for the capital Belgrade: two Gypsy musicians, a World War I veteran, a Germanophile, a budding singer, a sickly looking hypochondriac and a hunter with a rifle. The bus is owned by Krstić Sr., and driven by his impressionable son Miško.

Along the way, they are joined by a priest and a pair of young newlyweds who are on their way to the seaside, and are faced with some difficulties: a flat tire, a shaky bridge, a farmer who's ploughed the road, a funeral, two feuding families, an army detail, and a lost wallet. All these slow the bus down and expose rifts among the travellers.

On the morning of April 6, amid rumours of war, they finally reach Belgrade only to be bombed in the Luftwaffe's surprise raid (Operation Castigo).

[edit] Characters & situations

Right from the start, through conversations about current events, issues of the day, and general chit-chat, the characters' individual traits and sensibilities are clearly established. None of the passengers refer to each other by name considering they're seeing each other for the first time and don't seem too keen on forging any deeper relationships. Although a comedy on the outer level, the movie's layers reveal many observant details that indicate the Serbian society's structure and atmosphere at the time.

[edit] World War I veteran

The old World War I veteran (played by Mića Tomić) is on his way to Belgrade for an army visit to his recently drafted son. He's extremely proud of his successor for continuing the family's military tradition and doesn't miss an opportunity to let anybody caring to listen know about it. He's also the only passenger whose name (Aleksa Simic) we learn when he proudly states it along with his military regalia during a random conversation.

The old man expresses non-verbal concern about German rampage through Europe which was already in full swing at the time, but doesn't indicate a shred of fear regarding a possible attack on Yugoslavia. At one point, in response to Germanophile's praise of German medicine and work ethic, he confidently and angrily retorts: "I gather you'd kinda like it if those scumbags came again. Bring 'em on, I was picking them off like fleas 'round these parts in 1917".

In another situation while paying for the bus ticket, the veteran asks conductor Krstic Sr. if he can ride for half price, reasoning that he's taking money to his son in the military who "needs every dinar he can get". Krstic Sr. refuses, to which budding singer chimes in cynically from the back of the bus: "C'mon, let the old-timer ride for free, you can see he doesn't have a pot to piss in". Steamed by the snide comment, the veteran hops to his feet fuming and demanding to be sold 5 tickets in order to prove his buying power. Krstic Sr. turns him down again, this time angrily ("Stop annoying me old man"), and sells him a single ticket.

[edit] Germanophile

The Germanophile (played by Bata Stojković) is the polar opposite of the impulsive veteran. Speaking in proper and pointed tone, he displays constant subtle disdain for the surroundings he moves about in. From his straight posture with a nose pointed upwards to frequent condescending remarks, everything about him seems to indicate a personal opinion about being too good for people that surround him.

It is never explicitly indicated whether he's a Nazi sympathizer. He is, however, in utter awe of all aspects of German lifestyle. In the above testy discussion with the veteran, his parting shot regarding a possible Nazi invasion of Yugoslavia is: "Well, listen sir, at least we'd see some order around here".

The Germanophile is quick to criticize. While talking to the hypochondriac about a personal propensity for collecting rare rocks and folk tales, he laments the lack of interest in his activities that he encounters from everyday people.

He is also the first to castigate, chastising the young married couple for having been seen enjoying sex in the woods. As the two are doing the deed, unknowingly being peeped on by the rest of the passengers, he remarks while watching them in disgust: "Have they no shame?". When reminded by the budding singer about the fact that "we came here to watch them", the Germanophile reasons that "that has no relevance". Later on the bus, the humiliated young bride offers him her seat, but he vehemently refuses: "You've shown yourself in that bush - who you are and what you are".

Still later when it is discovered that the veteran's wallet is missing and as Krstic Sr. announces he'd search every one of the passengers until wallet is produced, the Germanophile stops him: "Why bother all these honest people when we know who around here likes to steal" pointing to two Gypsies, thus prompting their wrongful beating since the wallet was dropped along the way.

[edit] Hunter

The hunter is a spaced-out goofball mostly used for comic relief with his Elmer Fudd-like appearance, and tipsy walking style. He's initially late for the bus and attempts to board it by hailing it midway. This leads to an absurdly funny scene in which Krstic Sr. decides to exercise some misplaced authority by refusing to allow him onto the bus, reasoning: "The stop is 200m downhill. You want someone to see me letting you on outside it and fine me?", despite their surroundings at the time being a complete wasteland with absolutely no signs of life.

The hunter is later thrown off the bus by Krstic Sr. when his rifle accidentally goes off. This was after he already had the passengers angry for accidentally almost killing the Germanophile while shooting at a rabbit during an extended stopover.

The hunter is played by Taško Načić.

[edit] Budding singer

The budding singer (played by Dragan Nikolić) is a small-town dandy with dreams of turning schlager signing into a career and achieving fame. His reason for travelling to Belgrade is an audition for a signing stint in one of the city's bohemian kafanas. Since the other passengers are older and of not much interest to him, he mostly communicates with the young bride through flirtatious banter to which she seems very receptive. When the group discovers the young married couple having sex in the woods and gathers to peep on them, the singer famously quips: "The kid doesn't have a clue" - referring to the young groom's seeming awkwardness in the sack. He later openly makes a pass at the bride, offering her to stay with him in Belgrade.

[edit] Hypochondriac

From the very opening, the hypochondriac (played by Boro Stjepanović) is seen making health-related complaints and producing a hacking cough while holding a handkerchief up to his mouth. He is a bald, middle-aged, frail looking man with defeated demeanor and dark outlook on life that only add to his overall image of a doomed weakling.

Despite constant hacking and complaining, he's seen running and engaging in other physical activities in several scenes, leading to conclusion that some, if not all, of his health issues might be psychosomatic. At first some of the passengers offer positive reinforcement, but soon give up after facing his strong intent on feeling and displaying self-pity.

[edit] Krstic Sr.

A very colorful character, Mr. Krstic is the owner of the old bus the story takes place in. He is in his late 50s, overweight, seemingly harsh and greedy but very supportive of his son, and determined to help his child and himself in life. He is the owner of the bus, but he is also a pig merchant and a sort of con man. Towards the beginning of the film, he loads several pigs onto the back of the bus, despite the obvious disgust of the passengers. "When I sell the pigs in Belgrade, I'll earn more money than your tickets brought me", he says. He is also quick to criticize and throw people off his bus, but only after they have paid the ticket. His character evolves from a stereo-typical grouch (although non-malevolent) at the beginning of the movie, to a loving, caring father towards the film's end.

[edit] Reception & Trivia

  • The movie became an instant classic all over SFR Yugoslavia immediately upon its release. To this day, almost three decades later, it endures as one of the most quotable movies ever to come out of the Balkans. Different scenes and dialogues are almost a part of general knowledge, with many entering public vernacular.
  • In 1996, members of the Yugoslavian Board of the Academy of Film Art and Science (AFUN) voted this movie as the best Serbian movie made in the 1947-1995 period.
  • Reportedly, Goran Paskaljević was the first choice for the movie's director but the job ultimately went to Slobodan Sijan.
  • The final bombing scene was originally meant to include wild animals from the bombed Belgrade Zoo roaming through the city's down town, which indeed happened during actual April 6, 1941 Luftwaffe air-raids; in fact, an old newspapers article documenting this bizarre occurrence served as inspiration for the author Dušan Kovačević to include it in the film. Unfortunately, at the time of movie's filming in 1980, Tito died, which resulted in the extended mourning period that effectively cancelled all entertainment activities in the country - including the Italian circus tour that was meant to provide the animals for the scene. Since working with untrained zoo animals was deemed too dangerous, the film-makers reluctantly had to abandon the idea at the time. However, the idea was used in the opening scene of Underground (1995), some 15 years later.

[edit] Cast

[edit] See Also

[edit] External link

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