User talk:Whlee/History of Manchuria

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[edit] Proposition of dividing in sectors

History of Manchuria is very rich but also complicated to better understand its history i suggest to divide that region in six sectors have a look at map 1 map 2 and map 3 :

  • Inner Manchuria (4 sectors) :
The "western" border of Inner Manchuria now incorporated in Inner Mongolia
- the former Xingan/ Hsingan Province (興安)
- the former Rehe Province (热河/熱河) and Liaobei/Liaopei

The "southern" part of Inner Manchuria : the Liao river bank (with Liaodong peninsula), corresponding roughly to the former Liaoning province including :
- former Jinzhou (锦州/錦州) located the right bank the Liao river
- former Fengtian (奉天) located on the bank the Liao river

The "eastern" part of Manchuria bordering Korean peninsula, corresponding roughly to the actual Jilin Province : southern part of the Sungari basin contain also the banks of Yalu river , the banks of Tuman river and including the Changbai Mountain (Kaema Plateau)
- former Antung (安東)
- Kirin (吉林)
- and Sunkiang/Songjiang (松江) or Binjiang (濱江)
- parts of North Korea above the Goryeo Cheolli Jangseong (northern part of North Pyongan, Jagang, Ryanggang, North Hamgyong and South Hamgyong provinces)

The "northen" part of Inner Manchuria
- Nunkiang/Nenjiang (嫩江)
- Hokiang/Hejiang or Sanjiang (三江)
- former Heilongjiang (黑龍江)
  • Outer Manchuria (2 sectors) corresponding to well defined at the Nerchinsk Treaty:
- the actual Primorye/Primorskii Krai ceded by China to Russia in 1860
- the southern part of Khabarovsk Krai ceded by China to Russia in 1858 including :
- Bikinsky District
- Vyazemsky District
- Lazo District
- Khabarovsky District
- and eventually Nanaysky District because Nanai peoples are also Tungusic peoples.

Conclusion :

The western part of Manchuria history is closely related to China and Mongolia HIstory
The eastern part of Manchuria and the actual Primorye/Primorskii Krai is closely related to Korean History although not necessarily included.
The northern part of Manchuria with the southern part of Khabarovsk Krai : are closely related to the Black River Mohe history, the ancestor of the Wild Jurchen and the Nanai peoples.
I also emit some reserve concerning Rehe and Xingan province, because i consider that the border of Manchuria / East Tartary are :
- on the West : Liao River (see Goguryeo Cheolli Jangseong) and the Greater Khingan Range
- on the South: Goryeo Cheolli Jangseong and Liaodong peninsula
- on the north : Stanovoy Range or Outer Khingan Range
- on the east : Sakhalin Island and Sea of Japan (East Sea)

[edit] Russian Sources

Keywords :

Bohai /Balhae : Бохай / ru:Пархэ
Malgal/Mohe : ru:Мохэ
Heishui Mohe : хэйшуй мохэ
Sumo Mohe : сумо мохэ
Jurchens : Чжурчжени
Eastern Jurchen  : Восточное Ся
Solbin = Sinicized : SHUAIBINI =>Шуайбинь = ancient name of Ussuriysk and the surrounding area (Уссурийск и прилегающие к нему территории)

Emperors of Balhae :Korean : Dae Jo-yeong 大祚榮 Sinicized :Da Zuorong=> Cyrillized Да Цзожун

Korean : Dae Heummu 大钦茂 Sinicized : Dà Qīnmào => Cyrillized Да Циньмао
Korean Dae Insu 大仁秀 Sinicized : Dà Rénxìu/Da Renxiu => Cyrillized Да Жэньсю

Sources :