Whitey (drugs)

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This article is about the slang term 'whitey', for other uses see Whitey.

Whitey is a slang term for when a recreational drug user, as a direct or indirect result of drug use (usually cannabis), begins to faint and usually faints. The term comes from the way one's skin turns pale during and after a fainting episode. While fainting is usually only a problem for those with low blood pressure, it can become possible for those without hypotension to faint after using cannabis or other drugs which have the short-term effect of lowering the blood pressure. Whiteying is perceived by the stoner subculture as the result of using too much cannabis within too short a period of time. In fact the factors that usually facilitate fainting, such as tiredness, lack of fluids and food, and a hot and humid environment, as well as natural hypotension, are just as important as the amount of cannabis involved. Therefore, one can experience a whitey having used only what may be regarded as a perfectly moderate dosage.

[edit] Experience

The experience of whiteying involves first a declining ability to walk or stand up straight, or at all, and feelings of light-headedness. The victim will be physically unable to stand up if the whitey is not treated and may have no choice but to sit or lie down in an appropriate place. If no treatment is available, a whitey can be overcome by lying down until it passes. However, this can take upwards of ten minutes, and afterwards the victim will probably still feel ill.

[edit] Treatment and avoidance

If one wishes to use cannabis, one can avoid the unpleasant and potentially embarrassing experience of whiteying by taking appropriate steps hours or days before using the drug. Those with naturally low blood pressure should be particularly aware of this. Regular meals with enough carbohydrates should be eaten, and enough fluids (preferably plain water) should be consumed. Tiredness can be avoided by getting enough sleep. However, the amount of cannabis used is a factor also, so it is possible to whitey, despite not behaving in a way that facilitates it, by simply using a relatively excessive amount of cannabis.

John Coates experiences a lot of drugs, but never whiteys because he is too experienced.

[edit] Popular culture

In the UK cannabis television documentary, Stoned in Suburbia, former international cannabis smuggler Howard Marks refers to an episode where he whiteyed after engaging in a smoking competition with some Germans on a book-promoting visit to Germany.

'Stoned in Suburbia' free stream.