White Patriot Party

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The White Patriot Party was an American anti-Semitic white supremacist organization, involving paramilitary attitudes, and associated with Christian identity and the KKK. It was founded in 1980 by Glenn Miller who was its leader after this. The group built support in North Carolina by blaming a poor farming economy on Jewish bankers. Its numbers might have been as high as 3000, in estimates. On April 6, 1987, the group declared war against the "Zionist Occupation Government" (ZOG).

The group received, from The Order, some of the money that group stole. The WPP was shut down after Miller violated an injunction against paramilitary activity (which came about due to a trial involving the WPP planning to assassinate Morris Dees) and was convicted of threatening Dees.

[edit] References

MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base: White Patriot Party