White-toothed shrew

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Greater White-toothed Shrew, (Crocidura russula)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Soricomorpha
Family: Soricidae
Subfamily: Crocidurinae

see species list

The White-toothed shrews or Crocidurinae are one of three subfamilies of the shrew family Soricidae.

Unlike the red-toothed shrews, the outer layer of their teeth is white. These species are typically found in Africa and southern Europe and Asia. This subfamily includes the largest shrew, the Asian House Shrew (Suncus murinus), at about 15 cm in length, and the smallest, the Etruscan Shrew (Suncus etruscus), at about 3.5 cm in length and 2 grams in weight, possibly the world's smallest living mammal (although some give this title to the Bumblebee Bat). Genus Crocidura, contains the largest number of species of any mammal genus.

When young must be moved before they are independent, mother and young form a chain or "caravan" where each animal hangs on to the rear of the one in front. This behaviour has also been observed in some species in genus Sorex.

The list of species is:

  • Genus Crocidura (White-toothed shrews)
    • Cyrenaica Shrew (C. aleksandrisi)
    • East African Highland Shrew (C. allex)
    • Andaman Shrew (C. andamanensis)
    • Ansell's Shrew (C. ansellorum)
    • Arabian Shrew (C. arabica)
    • Jackass Shrew (C. arispa)
    • Armenian Shrew (C. armenica)
    • Asian Gray Shrew (C. attenuata)
    • Hun Shrew (C. attila)
    • Bailey's Shrew (C. baileyi)
    • Kinabalu Shrew (C. baluensis)
    • Bates's Shrew (C. batesi)
    • Mindanao Shrew (C. beatus)
    • Beccari's Shrew (C. beccarii)
    • Bottego's Shrew (C. bottegi)
    • Bale Shrew (C. bottegoides)
    • Thick-tailed Shrew (C. brunnea)
    • Buettikofer's Shrew (C. buettikoferi)
    • African Dusky Shrew (C. caliginea)
    • Canarian Shrew (C. canariensis)
    • Caspian Shrew (C. caspica)
    • Cinderella Shrew (C. cinderella)
    • Congo White-toothed Shrew (C. congobelgica)
    • Long-footed Shrew (C. crenata)
    • Crosse's Shrew (C. crossei)
    • Reddish-gray Musk Shrew (C. cyanea)
    • Dent's Shrew (C. denti)
    • Desperate Shrew (C. desperata)
    • Dhofar Shrew (C. dhofarensis)
    • Long-tailed Musk Shrew (C. dolichura)
    • Doucet's Musk Shrew (C. douceti)
    • Dsinezumi Shrew (C. dsinezumi)
    • Eisentraut's Shrew (C. eisentrauti)
    • Elgon Shrew (C. elgonius)
    • Elongated Shrew (C. elongata)
    • Heather Shrew (C. erica)
    • Fischer's Shrew (C. fischeri)
    • Greater Red Musk Shrew (C. flavescens)
    • Flower's Shrew (C. floweri)
    • Bornean Shrew (C. foetida)
    • Fox's Shrew (C. foxi)
    • Southeast Asian Shrew (C. fuliginosa)
    • Savanna Shrew (C. fulvastra)
    • Smoky White-toothed Shrew (C. fumosa)
    • Bicolored Musk Shrew (C. fuscomurina)
    • Glass's Shrew (C. glassi)
    • Gmelin's White-toothd Shrew (C. gmelini)
    • Goliath Shrew (C. goliath)
    • Peters's Musk Shrew (C. gracilipes)
    • Large-headed Shrew (C. grandiceps)
    • Greater Mindanao Shrew (C. grandis)
    • Grasse's Shrew (C. grassei)
    • Luzon Shrew (C. grayi)
    • Greenwood's Shrew (C. greenwoodi)
    • Harenna Shrew (C. harenna)
    • Hildegarde's Shrew (C. hildegardeae)
    • Hill's Shrew (C. hilliana)
    • Lesser Red Musk Shrew (C. hirta)
    • Andaman Spiny Shrew (C. hispida)
    • Horsfield's Shrew (C. horsfieldii)
    • Hutan Shrew (C. hutanis)
    • North African White-toothed Shrew (C. ichnusae)
    • Indochinese Shrew (C. indochinensis)
    • Jackson's Shrew (C. jacksoni)
    • Jenkin's Shrew (C. jenkinsi)
    • Jouvenet's Shrew (C. jouvenetae)
    • Katinka's Shrew (C. katinka)
    • Kivu Shrew (C. kivuana)
    • Lamotte's Shrew (C. lamottei)
    • Kivu Long-haired Shrew (C. lanosa)
    • Ussuri White-toothed Shrew (C. lasiura)
    • Latona's Shrew (C. latona)
    • Sulawesi Shrew (C. lea)
    • Sumatran Giant Shrew (C. lepidura)
    • Bicolored Shrew (C. leucodon)
    • Sulawesi Tiny Shrew (C. levicula)
    • Naked-tail Shrew (C. littoralis)
    • Savanna Swamp Shrew (C. longipes)
    • Lucina's Shrew (C. lucina)
    • Ludia's Shrew (C. ludia)
    • Moonshine Shrew(C. luna)
    • Mauritanian Shrew (C. lusitania)
    • MacArthur's Shrew (C. macarthuri)
    • MacMillan's Shrew (C. macmillani)
    • Nyiro Shrew (C. macowi)
    • Malayan Shrew (C. malayana)
    • Manenguba Shrew (C. manengubae)
    • Makwassie Musk Shrew (C. maquassiensis)
    • Swamp Musk Shrew (C. mariquensis)
    • Gracile Naked-tailed Shrew (C. maurisca)
    • Javanese Shrew (C. maxi)
    • Mindoro Shrew (C. mindorus)
    • Sri Lankan Long-tailed Shrew (C. miya)
    • Kilimanjaro Shrew (C. monax)
    • Sunda Shrew (C. monticola)
    • Montane White-toothed Shrew (C. montis)
    • West African Long-tailed Shrew (C. muricauda)
    • Mossy Forest Shrew (C. musseri)
    • Ugandan Musk Shrew (C. mutesae)
    • Somali Dwarf Shrew (C. nana)
    • Savanna Dwarf Shrew (C. nanilla)
    • Peninsular Shrew (C. negligens)
    • Negros Shrew (C. negrina)
    • Nicobar Shrew (C. nicobarica)
    • Nigerian Shrew (C. nigeriae)
    • Blackish White-toothed Shrew (C. nigricans)
    • Black-footed Shrew (C. nigripes)
    • African Black Shrew (C. nigrofusca)
    • Nimba Shrew (C. nimbae)
    • Niobe's Shrew (C. niobe)
    • West African Pygmy Shrew (C. obscurior)
    • African Giant Shrew (C. olivieri)
    • Oriental Shrew (C. orientalis)
    • Ryukyu Shrew (C. orii)
    • Palawan Shrew (C. palawanensis)
    • Sumatran Long-tailed Shrew (C. paradoxura)
    • Small-footed Shrew (C. parvipes)
    • Sahelian Tiny Shrew (C. pasha)
    • Pale Gray Shrew (C. pergrisea)
    • Guramba Shrew (C. phaeura)
    • Cameroonian Shrew (C. picea)
    • Pitman's Shrew (C. pitmani)
    • Flat-headed Shrew (C. planiceps)
    • Fraser's Musk Shrew (C. poensis)
    • Polia's Shrew (C. polia)
    • Kashmir White-toothed Shrew (C. pullata)
    • Rainey's Shrew (C. raineyi)
    • Negev Shrew (C. ramona)
    • Chinese White-toothed Shrew (C. rapax)
    • Egyptian Pygmy Shrew (C. religiosa)
    • Sulawesi White-handed Shrew (C. rhoditis)
    • Roosevelt's Shrew (C. roosevelti)
    • Greater White-toothed Shrew (C. russula)
    • Ugandan Lowland Shrew (C. selina)
    • Lesser Rock Shrew (C. serezkyensis)
    • Asian Lesser White-toothed Shrew (C. shantungensis)
    • Siberian Shrew (C. sibirica)
    • Sicilian Shrew (C. sicula)
    • Lesser Gray-brown Musk Shrew (C. silacea)
    • Desert Musk Shrew (C. smithii)
    • Somali Shrew (C. somalica)
    • Kahuzi Swamp Shrew (C. stenocephala)
    • Lesser White-toothed Shrew (C. suaveolens)
    • Iranian Shrew (C. susiana)
    • Tanzanian Shrew (C. tansaniana)
    • Tarella Shrew (C. tarella)
    • Saharan Shrew (C. tarfayensis)
    • Telford's Shrew (C. telfordi)
    • Timor Shrew (C. tenuis)
    • Thalia's Shrew (C. thalia)
    • Therese's Shrew (C. theresae)
    • Sao Tomé Shrew (C. thomensis)
    • Christmas Island Shrew (C. trichura)
    • Turbo Shrew (C. turba)
    • Ultimate Shrew (C. ultima)
    • Usambara Shrew (C. usambarae)
    • Savanna Path Shrew (C. viaria)
    • Mamfe Shrew (C. virgata)
    • Voi Shrew (C. voi)
    • Voracious Shrew (C. vorax)
    • Banka Shrew (C. vosmaeri)
    • Lesser Ryukyu Shrew (C. watasei)
    • Whitaker's Shrew (C. whitakeri)
    • Wimmer's Shrew (C. wimmeri)
    • Hainan Island Shrew (C. wuchihensis)
    • Xanthippe's Shrew (C. xantippe)
    • Yankari Shrew (C. yankariensis)
    • Zaphir's Shrew (C. zaphiri)
    • Zarudny's Rock Shrew (C. zarudnyi)
    • Upemba Shrew (C. zimmeri)
    • Cretan Shrew (C. zimmermanni)
  • Genus Diplomesodon
  • Genus Feroculus
    • Kelaart's Long-clawed Shrew (F. feroculus)
  • Genus Paracrocidura (Large-headed shrews)
    • Grauer's Large-headed Shrew (P. graueri)
    • Greater Large-headed Shrew (P. maxima)
    • Lesser Large-headed Shrew (P. schoutedeni)
  • Genus Ruwenzorisorex
    • Ruwenzori Shrew (R. suncoides)
  • Genus Scutisorex
  • Genus Solisorex
    • Pearson's Long-clawed Shrew (S. pearsoni)
  • Genus Suncus
    • Taita Shrew (S. aequatorius)
    • Black Shrew (S. ater)
    • Day's Shrew (S. dayi)
    • Etruscan Shrew (S. etruscus)
    • Sri Lankan Shrew (S. fellowesgordoni)
    • Bornean Pygmy Shrew (S. hosei)
    • Least Dwarf Shrew (S. infinitesimus)
    • Greater Dwarf Shrew (S. lixus)
    • Madagascan Pygmy Shrew (S. madagascariensis)
    • Malayan Pygmy Shrew (S. malayanus)
    • Climbing Shrew (S. megalura)
    • Flores Shrew (S. mertensi)
    • Asian Highland Shrew (S. montanus)
    • Asian House Shrew (S. murinus)
    • Remy's Pygmy Shrew (S. remyi)
    • Anderson's Shrew (S. stoliczkanus)
    • Lesser Dwarf Shrew (S. varilla)
    • Jungle Shrew (S. zeylanicus)
  • Genus Sylvisorex (forest shrews)
    • Cameroonian Forest Shrew (S. cameruniensis)
    • Grant's Forest Shrew (S. granti)
    • Howell's Forest Shrew (S. howelli)
    • Bioko Forest Shrew (S. isabellae)
    • Johnston's Forest Shrew (S. johnstoni)
    • Kongana Shrew (S. konganensis)
    • Moon Forest Shrew (S. lunaris)
    • Mt. Cameroon Forest Shrew (S. morio)
    • Greater Forest Shrew (S. ollula)
    • Lesser Forest Shrew (S. oriundus)
    • Rain Forest Shrew (S. pluvialis)
    • Volcano Shrew (S. vulcanorum)

[edit] References

  1. ^ Hutterer, Rainer (16 November 2005). in Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (eds): Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition, Johns Hopkins University Press, 224-263. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. 
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