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White Jordan (WJ for short and sometimes incorrectly typed WhiteJordan) is a self-proclaimed Anti-Hacker and is one of the most famous Hackers in Russian hacking community going under the name of "Белый Джордан".

He has taken off-line for 12 times in counting by hijacking the accounts of Administrators and especially Global Moderators for a period of five months starting in October 2005, and ending his reign at the end of February 2006. He has also been known to ddos HTS and CS.NET for more than 6 times; also, his ethics are known to be very controversial.

No one really knows what his problem is with or with other hacking sites ( for example whom he has defaced and shot a video of), but he has been quoted in saying that he is a self-proclaimed "Anti-Hacker" who only specifically hacks Hackers, Script kiddies and alike. He has filmed a lot of videos, although his videos are the rarest of any other known famous Hacker and are very private. His videos are only shared in private groups to other private groups and his ethnicity (Believed to be Russian, although disputed), location, age, name, and any private information what so ever - is still a mystery.

He is currently being looked for by Russian and English Hackers whom he has hacked, defaced and shamed in hopes of finding this truly phenomena.

He is also believed to have first appeared on in January the 15th, 2005. His fame spread very quickly for the following two years and he has written a lot of articles especially about XSS that can be found here:

He has recorded a few very rare videos.

Amongst them, hacking;,,, IPB, Hotmail, and alike.

First appearance on HTS,

He was first seen in November the 15th, 2004. In only two years, he has become a Legend among users, Administrators and spectators alike for the things he does, says and the way he acts and behaves himself having an "I don't follow rules, I make them" attitude.

[edit] Known given nicks by the people who hate him

  • Gay Little Spammer
  • Colossal Nutcase
  • Enigma
  • The Unspeakable
  • Spammo The Unstoppable
  • WhiteJordan (Note the lack of space and hence respect in between)
  • Жора (Zhora)
  • Белый Лох (White Lama)
  • Белый Козёл (White billy-goat)