Talk:White supremacy/Workspace-People

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This is a controversial topic, which may be disputed. Please read this talk page and discuss substantial changes here before making them.
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This page is for discussing who to list as "Contemporary White Supremacists" in our article White supremacy. It is not a reliable source of information. Putting a name on this page is not an assertion about that person's political beliefs.

It is important to distinguish White Supremacists from White Separatists. The majority of North Americans who are part of the "White Power" movement reject "Supremacism" as a label, and consider themselves advocates of racial separatism or nationalism, which they see as opposed to racial supremacism. Most "White Power" activists are opposed to living in a multi-racial society, whereas racial supremacism demands a multi-racial society. Even if you regard this as a trivial distinction, they do not, and therefore it is unencyclopedic to ignore this issue.

[edit] Policies

This section is for setting policies about who should be listed.

Note that the article will be stronger if we keep the list short.

Question: should Wikipedia have a list of Separationists somewhere?

[edit] Contemporary

The article used to list people who died as long ago as 1956. I (CWC(talk)) don't see how anyone who died more than 25 years ago can be regarded as "contemporary". What about 10 years ago? 5 years? I've somewhat arbitrarily picked the year 2000, and removed everyone who died before then. Feel free to disagree.

Other options:

  • We could also add a list of "Recent White Supremacists" to the article. The problem is, where would we stop?
  • Another option would be to add a new Wikipedia Category, and tell readers to go to its Category page for the list.

[edit] Neo-Nazis?

Is it correct/fair/encyclopedic to classify all neo-Nazis as Supremacists? Or are some Separationists? (U.S. and Canadian neo-Nazis will tend identify themselves with one of these camps, but it is likely to be hard to classify neo-Nazis outside North America into one of these groups.)

[edit] People

This section is for discussing individuals who might or might not be White Supremacists.

[edit] U.S.

Don Black
Might be "just" a Separationist

John "Birdman" Bryant
white supremacist
Dan Burros
Removed by CWC(talk)
Richard Girnt Butler
1918-2004. Neo-Nazi.
Willis Carto
Primarily an anti-semite? Articles say nothing about Supremacy.
Frank Collin
Former neo-Nazi, now a neo-pagan.
David Duke
Claims to be a Separationist. Opponents say he's a Supremacist; any cites strong enough to counter his denial?
Leo Felton
"possibly the world's first black white supremacist"
Matthew F. Hale
Neo-Nazi, Supremacist.
August Kreis III
Leader of Aryan Nations, a Supremacist group.
David Lane
Neo-Nazi murderer.
Alex Linder
Runs Vanguard News Network, a Supremacist website.
Martin Lindstedt
Small following in Christian Identity circles.
James H. Madole
Neo-facist. Died 1979.
Removed by CWC(talk)
James Mason
Robert Jay Mathews
Article says Separationist, not Supremacist.
Removed by CWC(talk)
Tom Metzger
Leader of White Aryan Resistance, which is Supremacist.
Glenn Miller (White Patriot Party)
Founded the White Patriot Party, which was Supremacist.
Fred Phelps
Mark, Nate, and Dorothy Phelps say he's Supremacist.
William Luther Pierce
Died 2002. Claimed to be Separationist, not Supremacist.
Ingrid Rimland
Neo-Nazi. Married to Ernst Zündel.
George Lincoln Rockwell
1918-1967. Historically important neo-Nazi.
Removed by CWC(talk)
Benjamin Nathaniel Smith
Article says Supremacist.
Joseph Tommasi
Removed by CWC(talk)
Hal Turner calls him Supremacist, but only evidence given is ties to known Supremacists.
Bill White (neo-Nazi)
Yup, neo-Nazi.
Francis Parker Yockey
1917-1960. Historically important.
Removed by CWC(talk)

[edit] Australia

Alan Jones (radio)
Right-wing shock-jock, courts controversy, often called a racist but never a Supremacist
Removed by CWC(talk)
Jack van Tongeren
Added by CWC(talk) 12:21, 2 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Belgium

Jean-François Thiriart
Died 1992. Ties with U.S. Black Power suggest Separationist not Supremacist.
Removed by CWC(talk)

[edit] Britain

BNF = British National Front

It's not clear from our British National Front article whether they were openly Supremacist

BNP = British National Party

Ostensibly Separationist, not Supremacist

TW = Third Way (UK)

Claim to be multi-racial and to oppose neo-Nazis
John Bean
Nothing in article about Supremacy.
Andrew Brons
Former leader of BNF.
Mark Collett
Was in BNF. Nothing in article about Supremacy.
David Copeland
Mark Cotterill
Articles say he's a Separationist.
Removed by CWC(talk)
Nicky Crane
Removed by CWC(talk)
Andrew Fountaine
Died 1997. BNF figure. Nothing in article about Supremacy.
Removed by CWC(talk)
Nick Griffin
Chairman of BNP. Claims to be neither neo-Nazi nor neofacist.
Removed by CWC(talk)
Ray Hill
Ex-facist, later an alleged undercover anti-facist.
Derek Holland
Moved from BNF to International Third Position. Nothing in articles about Supremacy.
Tom Holmes
Chairman of 'BNF. Nothing in article about Supremacy
David Irving
No evidence of Supremacy. Claims to not be a Nazi.
Removed by CWC(talk)
Colin Jordan
See White Defence League, which suggests Separationist not Supremacist.
David Kerr
Chairman of Third Way (UK). Nothing in article about Supremacist, though Separationist seems possible.
Arnold Leese
Died 1956.
Removed by CWC(talk)
Michael McLaughlin
Led neo-Nazi British Movement into oblivion. Ex-milkman, now out of politics.
David Myatt
Primarily anti-Semitic?; nothing in article about Supremacy.
John Kingsley Read
Died 1985. (Searchlight magazine then claimed he was a mole for them.)
Removed by CWC(talk)
Charlie Sargent
John Tyndall
Led BNF in 70s, later founded the BNP. Nothing in articles about Supremacy.
Richard Verrall
BNF idealogue, edited Spearhead (magazine). Nothing in articles about Supremacy.
Martin Webster
BNF figure. Nothing in articles about Supremacy.
Martin Wingfield
BNF figure. Nothing in his article about Supremacy, but it's a stub.

[edit] Canada

Don Andrews
Article says Supremacist.
George Burdi
Claims to have renounced Supremacism, currently in a multi-racial band.
Removed by CWC(talk) 07:54, 18 July 2006 (UTC)
Paul Fromm
Often linked to neo-nazis though denies being one. Definitely Separationist.
Wolfgang Droege
Died April 2005. Supremacist, neo-Nazi, founded Heritage Front.
Ben Klassen
Removed by CWC(talk)
Marc Lemire
Apparent neo-Nazi.
John Ross Taylor
Removed by CWC(talk)
Donna Upson
Article says Supremacist.
Ernst Zündel
Now in prison in Germany. Judge called him a Supremacist, but he might be "just" a neo-Nazi Separatist.

[edit] France

Françoise Dior
"Just" a neo-Nazi? Died 1993.
Removed by CWC(talk)
Savitri Devi Mukherji
Nazi. Died 1982.
Removed by CWC(talk)

[edit] Germany

Wolf Rüdiger Hess
1937-2001. Son of Rudolf Hess.
Horst Mahler
Was with Red Army Faction, now a neo-facist.
Otto Ernst Remer
WW2 Nazi. Died 1997.
Removed by CWC(talk)

[edit] Greece

Georgios Karatzaferis
Leader of Popular Orthodox Rally. Greek ultra-nationalist? Nothing in articles about Supremacy.
Removed by CWC(talk)
Nikolaos Michaloliakos
Added as redlink by (talk contribs) 2-May-2006
Leader of Hrisi Avgi
Removed by CWC(talk) 12:21, 2 June 2006 (UTC)
Kostas Plevris
Added as redlink by (talk contribs) 2-May-2006
Described as "Popular Orthodox Rally party member" by (talk contribs), 30-May-2006
Removed by CWC(talk) 12:21, 2 June 2006 (UTC)
Kyriakos Velopoulos (Popular Orthodox Rally party member)
Added by (talk contribs), 29-May-2006
Removed by CWC(talk) 12:21, 2 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Italy

Julius Evola
Died 1974.
Removed by CWC(talk)
Roberto Fiore
Neo-facist. Helped found International Third Position. Nothing in articles about Supremacy.

[edit] Malta

Norman Lowell
Added by (talk contribs) 20-May-2006
Article suggests he's anti-semitic and ultra-nationalist, but not Supremacist.
See also ] this website]
Removed by CWC(talk) 12:21, 2 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Norway

Varg Vikernes

[edit] South Africa

Eugène Terre'Blanche
Not any more? (was "born again" in prison)

[edit] Sweden

Robert Vesterlund