Where in the Fuck is Randy's Barbeque?

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“Where in the Fuck is Randy's Barbeque?”
Trailer Park Boys episode
Episode no. Season 3
Episode 6
Written by Mike Clattenburg
Directed by Mike Clattenburg
Production no. 306
Original airdate May 25, 2003
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"Closer to the Heart" "The Delusions of Officer Jim Lahey"
List of Trailer Park Boys episodes

Where in the Fuck is Randy's Barbeque? is the 19th episode of the hit Canadian comedy mockumentary series Trailer Park Boys.

[edit] Plot

While planning their end of the year cruise, Julian comes up with the perfect way to commit crimes under $5,000: stealing barbeques. Sensing quick success, Ricky enlists his daughter Trinity and her friends to help them with their scheme. Having studied the law in the Junior Achiever's Program at school, Trinity explains that minors are protected from prosecution under the Youth Justice Act. Just then, Jim Lahey and Randy show up at the lot, accusing Ricky of stealing Randy's barbeque, which was a gift to and is of sentimental value to Randy. A fight ensues in the minutes that follow, resulting in Ricky beating Randy and removing his pants. Furious, Randy and Lahey leave for home, vowing that they will get revenge.

Later that day, Ricky gathers the kids together and begins swiping barbeques in the neighbourhood. While trying to lower one from an second-floor apartment building, he gets sprayed with mace in the eyes by an elderly man who catches him. He tries to load the grill and drive away, but not before Officer Erica Miller, who is mother to one of the children, sees him and questions him. Ricky gives his name as "Randy Lahey" and rushes back to the park. It is learned that Erica has suspicions about Ricky, and after questioning her daughter, goes to Sunnyvale to investigate. She runs into Lahey and Randy while there and soon realizes that Ricky, whom they refer to her description, and "Randy Lahey" are one and the same. Meanwhile, the boys panic when they learn Erica is searching the park for the stolen barbeques, and Ricky decides to dump them in the lake nearby until she is gone and, recover and dry them out, and re-sell them. Julian tries to stall Erica, Randy and Lahey, until she enlists him to help her find Ricky- whom she realizes to be "Randy Lahey." The boys rush to the lake and dispose of all the barbeques and hide in the water themselves. Randy and Lahey arrive with Erica and Julian and almost walk by unnoticed, until Cory and Trevor come up for more air, exposing the boys' hiding spot. Bubbles is the only one who stays hidden and out of sight, as the rest are interrogated by Erica for questioning. They are almost taken to jail until Julian pleads with her that they are desperate and begs a second chance. Feeling a soft spot for Julian, Erica agrees to not charge them, on condition they give back all the barbeques to their respective owners. She leaves as an angry Lahey remains foiled in his latest attempt to catch the boys in the act. In a voice-over, she confesses that Julian is a nice guy, but the real problem for his breaking the law is, in fact, Ricky.

The boys split up to return the stolen goods to the real owners, and Julian does the right thing by placing Randy's barbeque back at his trailer. While Erica meets up with him again to ask why he gets into crime and he explains that he cares about his friends, Cory and Trevor (who are planning to go to the store) crash the Shitmobile into Lahey's trailer! Lahey runs out, dressed as Indiana Jones, and screams from Randy are heard from inside the wreckage. Julian races into the ruined trailer and rescues Randy, who is dressed in a bumblebee costumed. When asked why they are dressed that way, Lahey explains he and Randy are rehearsing for a community theatre production, but Randy decides to come out and admit that both of them are gay. Lahey agrees to come out as well, and Erica convinces him not to press charges against Cory and Trevor. Bubbles suggests a little lumber can repair their trailer, while Randy forgives Julian and thanks him for returning his barbeque. Finally, Erica strikes up a friendship with Julian and accepts his invitation to go for some coffee.

[edit] Trivia

  • Canadian actress Shauna McDonald makes her debut in this episode as fan favorite recurring character Erica Miller.
  • Randy and Lahey come out of the closet and reveal their partnership in this episode.
  • Julian and Ricky are about 32 years old in this episode; Julian says he's lived for 32 years in the park, he stated in earlier episodes he's been there all his life, and Ricky mentions that both of them went to high school together, until Ricky began failing grade ten before he quit school after two trys to pass. Bubbles mentions he's almost a year younger than them in another episode, which would have him at 31. Since the episode takes place in 2003, they (Ricky and Julian) would have to have been born around 1971.
  • It is also interesting to note that this is the first time Cory and Trevor have driven a car on the show.

[edit] External link