Western use of the Swastika in the early 20th century

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The swastika (gammadion, "fylfot") symbol became a popular symbol of luck in the Western world in the early 20th century, prior to its adoption by Nazi Germany in the 1930s. The term swastika is first attested in English in 1871, and first refers to the Nazi emblem in 1932.


[edit] United Kingdom

Logo from a 1911 edition of Rudyard Kipling.
Logo from a 1911 edition of Rudyard Kipling.

The British author Rudyard Kipling, who was strongly influenced by Indian culture, had a swastika as his personal moniker on the dust jackets of all his books until the rise of Nazism made this inappropriate. One of Kipling's Just So Stories, "The Crab That Played With The Sea", had an elaborate full-page illustration by Kipling including a stone bearing what was called "a magic mark" (a swastika); some later editions of the stories blotted out the mark, but not its captioned reference, making the readers wonder what the "mark" was.

During World War I, the swastika was used as the emblem of the British National War Savings Committee.[1] Image

British Druids at Stonehenge, circa 1930. Note the swastika on the priest
British Druids at Stonehenge, circa 1930. Note the swastika on the priest

British Druids wear Swastika emblems on their sacral robes at Stonehenge. Note the swastika on the priest.

The swastika was also used as a symbol by the Boy Scouts in the United Kingdom, and worldwide. According to "Johnny" Walker,[2] the earliest Scouting use was on the first Thanks Badge introduced in 1911. Robert Baden-Powell's 1922 Medal of Merit design adds a swastika to the Scout fleur-de-lis as good luck to the person receiving the medal. Like Kipling, he would have come across this symbol in India. During 1934 many Scouters requested a change of design because of the use of the swastika by the Nazis. A new British Medal of Merit was issued in 1935.

A bank in Bolton England has refused to remove swastika mosaic tiles from the entry of a branch office constructed in 1927. A bank spokesperson replied to critics noting that "At that time, these symbols were commonly used as architectural decoration."[3]

Located on the Woodhouse Crag, on the Northern edge of Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire there is a swastika shaped pattern engraved in a stone, known as the Swastika Stone. IMAGE. In the figure in the foreground of the picture is a 20th century replica; the original carving can be seen a little further away, at the centre-left of the picture. [1]

[edit] Finland

The swastika is used in all Colours of the Finnish Air Force. This parade was held in 2006.
The swastika is used in all Colours of the Finnish Air Force. This parade was held in 2006.

In Finland the swastika was used as the official national marking of the Army between 1918 and 1 April, 1945, and also of the Finnish Air Force, anti-aircraft troops as a part of the air force and tank troops at that time. The swastika was also used by the Lotta Svärd organisation. The blue swastika was the good luck symbol used by the family of Swedish Count Eric von Rosen, who donated the first plane to the Finnish White Army during the Finnish Civil War. It has no official connection to the Nazi use of the swastika but represents the Cross of Freedom, the oldest order in Finland. This, however, remains for some people controversial, because Rosen was later one of the founding members of Nationalsocialistiska Blocket, a Swedish Nazi political party. Rosen also gained a closer connection to Germany when Hermann Göring married Carin von Kantzow, whose sister was married to Rosen.

The national socialistic party of Germany adopted the swastika as its party symbol two years later, 1920.

The Finnish Airforce units still wear a swastika on their Colours.[4][5] In addition, the shoulder insignia of the Airforce Headquarters bears a swastika design.[6] In 1945 the Air Force changed its national emblem to a roundel but the use of swastika in some other insignia was continued. In 1958, president Urho Kekkonen inaugurated the Colours of the Airforce units which feature a swastika design. The latest Colour of this pattern was inaugurated by president Tarja Halonen 25 October 2005 for the newly formed Air Warfare School.[7] Also the Utti Jaeger Regiment, responsible for training special forces, bears a swastika-like emblem on her Colour.

The swastika has not appeared in Finnish medals and decorations. The decorations of the Order of the Cross of Liberty, mostly designed by Akseli Gallen-Kallela in 1978, bears a Swastike laid on a George's Cross. As the Grand Master of the order, the President of Finland uses a Cross of Liberty in her personal flag.

Flag of the President of Finland. Note the yellow swastika.
Flag of the President of Finland. Note the yellow swastika.

[edit] Iceland

The Icelandic Steamship Company, Eimskip (founded in 1914) used a swastika in its logo.

[edit] Ireland

In Dublin, Ireland, a laundry company known as the Swastika Laundry existed for many years in Ballsbridge on the south side of the city. Upon the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, the company's customers were concerned about the company's name. Accordingly, it was changed to "Swastika Laundry (1912) Ltd". The company's fleet of electric delivery vans were red, and featured a black swastika on a white background.[8] The business started in the early 20th century and continued up until recent times. The Laundry's tall chimneystack was emblazoned with a large white Swastika, which was clearly visible from the surrounding streets. The name and logo eventually disappeared when the laundry was absorbed into the Spring Grove company.

In his "Irisches Tagebuch" the future Nobel Laureate, Heinrich Böll writes about a year spent living in the west of Ireland in the 1950s. While in Dublin before heading to Co. Mayo, he…

"was almost run over by a bright-red panel truck whose sole decoration was a big swastika. Had someone sold Völkischer Beobachter delivery trucks here, or did the Völkischer Beobachter still have a branch office here? This one looked exactly like those I remembered; but the driver crossed himself as he smilingly signalled to me to proceed, and on closer inspection I saw what had happened. It was simply the "Swastika Laundry," which had painted the year of its founding, 1912, clearly beneath the swastika; but the mere possibility that it might have been one of those others was enough to take my breath away."[9]

[edit] Latvia

In Latvia, too, the swastika (known as Thunder Cross and Fire Cross) was used as the marking of the Latvian Air Force between 1918 and 1934, as well as in insignias of some military units.[10] It was also used by the Latvian fascist movement Perkonkrusts (Thunder Cross in Latvian), as well as by other organizations. Latvian left facing swastika or Thunder Cross dates back to Bronze Age. It is widely seen scratched on the surfaces like rocks, weapons and pottery as a protector sign. To avoid diplomatic embarrassment, Latvian officials were asked by NATO not to put swastikas on mittens and other gifts to delegates at a summit in the country in 2006. [2]

[edit] North America

The Theosophical Society, founded in New York in 1875, incorporated the Swastika into its seal because of the Hindu and Buddhist associations of the symbol, combining it with a Star of David, Ankh and Ouroboros.

The swastika's use by the Navajo and other tribes made it a popular symbol for the Southwestern United States. Until the 1930s, blankets, metalwork, and other Southwestern souvenirs were often made with swastikas.

  • More than 900 cast iron lampposts decorated with swastikas remain in place in downtown Glendale, California. The lampposts were manufactured in Canton, Ohio and installed in the 1920s. In 1995 the city responded to complaints that the lampposts should be removed. The city attorney's response included "...research has revealed that the symbol itself was not uncommon in Judaism. The symbol itself has been found to appear in ancient synagogues as well as being found as a symbol appearing on sarcophagus in Roman catacombs."[11] Cost to replace the lampposts was estimated at $3-million dollars.[12] The Glendale Historical Society "has recommended preservation of the lampposts to the maximum extent possible."

One of the complaints to the Glendale City Council was brought by Jewish Defense League President Irv Rubin who would later be arrested by the FBI in a plot to bomb a California mosque and a federal office.[13][14]

  • The Crane Valve Company manufactured steel valves in the 1920s and 30's in the US with swastika markings.[15]
  • Because this was a popular symbol with the Navajo people, the Arizona Department of Transportation marked its state highways with signs featuring a right-facing swastika superimposed on an arrowhead. In 1942, after the United States entered World War Two, the department replaced the signs. More example pictures are available on the Arizona Roads website maps page.
Arizona state highway marker from late 1920s.
Arizona state highway marker from late 1920s.
  • The KiMo Theatre in Albuquerque, New Mexico, built in 1927 in the Pueblo Deco style and restored in 2000, is owned and operated by the city, which describes it as an "architectural gem". The building includes Native American design elements, including swastikas.[16] It was nearly torn down in 1977, the same year the KiMo was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
  • The 44-foot luxury yacht Lady Isabel is the centerpiece of the Wisconsin-Built Boat Gallery at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum in Manitowoc. Built in 1907, it was known for decades as the "Swastika", meaning "Well Being".[21] Swastika symbols are visible on the front of a building in the historic area of Manitowoc, built in 1894 that originally served as a hardware store.[22]
  • Swastika is the name of a small community in northern Ontario, Canada, approximately 580 kilometres north of Toronto, and 5 kilometres west of Kirkland Lake, the town of which it is now part. The town of Swastika was founded in 1906. Gold was discovered nearby and the Swastika Mining Company was formed in 1908. The government of Ontario attempted to change the town's name during World War II, but the town resisted.
Original insignia of the 45th Infantry Division (from the American Indian symbol).
Original insignia of the 45th Infantry Division (from the American Indian symbol).
  • The famed Lafayette Escadrille squadron flew World War I fighters against Germany from 1916 to 1918, first as volunteers under French command and later as a US unit.[25] The official squadron insignia was a Native American with a swastika adorned headdress. Some of the squadron planes also bore a large swastika in addition to the squadron insignia.[26]

Among the Lafayette Escadrille members who were killed in action was Arthur Bluethenthal of Wilmington, North Carolina, who is buried in a Jewish cemetery with a grave marker that includes the squadron insignia, complete with swastika[27]

  • In 1925, Coca-Cola made a lucky watch fob in the shape of a swastika with the slogan, "Drink Coca Cola five cents in bottles".
  • The public access area of Fish Lake near Windom, Minnesota is named Swastika Beach.
  • Shortly after the beginning of World War II, several Native American tribes (the Navajo, Apache, Tohono O'odham, and Hopi) published a decree stating that they would no longer use the swastika in their artwork. This was because the swastika had come to symbolize evil to the tourists who purchased their crafts. This decree was signed by representatives of these tribes. The decree states:
Because the above ornament which has been a symbol of friendship among our forefathers for many centuries has been desecrated recently by another nation of peoples.
Therefore it is resolved that henceforth from this date on and forever more our tribes renounce the use of the emblem commonly known today as the swastika or fylfot on our blankets, baskets, art objects, sandpainting, and clothing.
  • University faculty at Catholic Jesuit St. Louis University voted to remove a painting by Italian priest Renato Laffranchi in 2004. The painting symbolized four rivers flowing from the Garden of Eden, with gardens in four quadrants. The rivers have the shape of a clockwise swastika with shortened arms. One unnamed faculty member commented "today, a swastika means only one thing. That is hate, intolerance and genocide." Another pointed to differences between the painting's design and the Nazi symbol. "Look it up in the history books. It's not the same symbol." The university's president refused to remove the painting prior to its scheduled annual rotation.[28]
  • "Swastika Boards" were built using laminated redwood and balsa wood by legendary surfer Lorrin "Whitey" Harrison in Los Angeles from 1931 until 1939 when they were renamed "Waikiki Surfboards"[29] "Swastikas became the most widely used production solid board of the period leading into World War II."[30]
  • A repeating pattern of swastikas appeared on a few Canadian postage stamps that were produced by commercial airlines from 1924-32.[31]
  • Flour was sold under the brand name Swastika by the Monte Vista Milling and Elevator Company of Colorado, which registered the name in 1910.[32]
  • A 2004 CBS television special on US mass murderer Charles Manson inaccurately portrayed Manson's forehead tattoo. "The hooks of the Hakenkreuz (or hooked cross of the Swastika) are removed leaving what amounts to the logo for X Box."[36]
  • At the University of Maine, in Orono, Maine, the following dorms are shaped like swastikas: Somerset, Oxford, and Knox. Google map UMAINE map
  • Jewish artist Edith Altman, whose family fled Germany in the late 1930s, has produced a traveling exhibit entitled Reclaiming the Symbol . "The work strives to reclaim the star, the cross and the swastika to their positive use.".[37][38]
  • The First Chinese Church of Christ in Hawaii, dedicated in 1929, features wooden pews with swastika carvings. The symbols are tilted at an angle, similar to the Nazi flag, but the church's official website indicates "The symbol on the pews is an ancient one which represents eternal blessedness." The church's design was the result of an architectural competition that resulted in a blend of western and old Chinese features.[39]
  • The Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. displays the original propeller spinner from Charles Lindbergh's famous airplane "Spirit of Louis", manufactured in early 1927. A swastika was painted on the inside of the spinner along with the names of all the Ryan Aircraft Co. employees that built the airplane, presumably as a message of good luck prior to Lindbergh's solo Atlantic crossing.

[edit] Swastika tiles

Ceramic tiles with a swastika design were produced by a number of North American manufacturers in the late 1800s and early 20th century. They were often installed in repeating patterns or in combination with related ancient symbols. In western architecture, pre-World War II swastika tiles are typically a minor decorative element and have only become prominent when their original intent or symbolic meaning has been re-interpreted.

Swastika tiles adorn the New Jersey Statehouse in Trenton, in a room built in the 1930s. A newspaper article[40] in The Press of Atlantic City notes that the statehouse tiles were created by the local Mueller Tile Mosaic Company, using an innovative technique that combined glazing and deep carving to create a photographic-like sense of depth. The tiles were installed throughout the US and Canada.

Reprints of tile catalogs, including the 1930 Mueller Tile Faience Inserts catalogue are available from the non-profit California based Tile Heritage Foundation's website. At least two other US tile manufacturers also produced swastika tiles among their many designs. The Tile Heritage Foundation website features sample pages from more than 90 tile catalogs, including two that include swastika designs. The 1920 Wheatley Pottery Company of Cincinnati Ohio, and the 1928 catalog from the Cambridge-Wheatley Company of Covington, Kentucky, which marketed Wheatley tiles.

  • In May of 2006, five terra cotta tiles were removed from St. Mary's Cathedral in St. Cloud Minnesota, the oldest parish in the community.[42] The upper church, constructed in the late 1920s, included a number of decorative tiles including a series of ten that depicted ancient forms of the cross.[43] Located near the eaves, the tiles represented the crux gammata, also known as the Gammadion, "hooked cross". The swastika tiles alternated with a related design featuring the Lauburu or "Basque cross". The building was designed in the Italian Romanesque style by a local architect who added Art Deco features, including the ancient symbols, sunburst brick patterns and zig zag details.
Three of the tiles were destroyed in the process of removal, one was put on permanent display at the church. The removal was prompted in part by criticism from some current and former faculty at St. Cloud State University, where the university's electronic diversity newsletter featured a series of articles, including a history of the swastika that claimed by 1920 it was already "the symbol of Aryan conquest and mastery".[44] The article references small, obscure and secret European organizations with anti-Semetic views. It makes no mention of the use of swastikas in the US at the time the church was designed. At the time of construction, St. Mary's was under the control of the Benedictine Monks at St. Johns University in Collegeville, who arrived in Central Minnesota in 1851 from Pennsylvania.[45]
According to documents at the Stearns History Museum in St. Cloud, approximately ten years before St. Mary's was designed, there were more than 2000 local residents from the heavily German Catholic area serving in the US military, fighting against Germany.[46] President Wilson wrote a letter to the local Catholic bishop thanking him for his support of the war effort[47]
The removal coincided with the sesquicentennial anniversary for the city, St. John's University and St. Mary's parish. St. Cloud is a "Preserve America Community".
  • The Plummer House in Rochester, Minnesota includes swastika tiles. The five-story home was constructed beginning in 1917 by Dr. Henry Plummer, a prominent figure in the history of the Mayo Clinic.[48] The home has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1975.[49]
  • The Arizona Department of Agriculture building in Phoenix, Arizona, built in 1930, features swastika tiles in a pattern near its roofline.[50]
  • The Health, Physical Education and Recreation Building (HPER) at Indiana University contains decorative Native American-inspired swastika tilework on the walls of the foyer and stairwells on the southeast side of the building. In response to a complaint about the tiles, "The president of the university sent a letter to the student, which explained the history of the symbol and the context in which it was placed in the HPER building when it was built in 1917, prior to use of the symbol by the Nazis. The student appreciated the response".[51]
  • In November 1998 the Rome, New York Sentinel newspaper reported that swastika tiles were removed from the Gansevoort Elementary School where they had survived on a school floor for 84 years. The newspaper's editorial[53] responded: "School officials lost a chance to enlighten the public. A recommendation earlier this year by a committee of Gansevoort staff and parents to "leave the floor as is" and install a display about the history of the swastika was ignored. Instead, at the risk of being viewed by a small, uninformed segment of the community as being politically incorrect, they knuckled under to pressure rather than educate. How unfortunate!"
  • The same Sentinel editorial also notes that similar tiles were left untouched at a Jewish synagogue, Temple Beth El, in nearby Utica, New York "because the connotation to the Jewish congregation is not that of the Third Reich."
  • A swastika design is visible on the exterior of the Detroit, Michigan downtown public library, built in 1931. A local website notes "They were a popular item in certain Deco designs, and many are used in architecture throughout Downtown Detroit. They also can be seen quite often on floor tiles in church buildings."

The Anti-Defamation League Law Enforcement Resource Network describes the swastika in its visual database of extremist symbols, with only a vague reference to its use by religious groups, but specifics about left and right facing symbols.

"When shown in a counterclockwise direction, an ancient religious symbol that represented a sign of good luck."
"Prior to the Nazis co-opting this symbol, it was known as a good luck symbol and was used by various religious groups. Hitler made the Nazi swastika unique to his party by reversing the normal direction of the symbol so that it appeared to spin clockwise."

Using the definition the ADL has provided to law enforcement agencies, most of the historic tiles listed above could be classified as extremist symbols because their arms are not in what the ADL calls the "normal" orientation.[57]

[edit] Argentina

Several columns at the train station of Retiro in Buenos Aires are decorated with joint swastikas. The Estación Retiro opened in 1915.

[edit] Poland

A military parade held in 1936 to commemorate the regimental feast of the 2nd Podhale Rifles Regiment; Sanok, Poland
A military parade held in 1936 to commemorate the regimental feast of the 2nd Podhale Rifles Regiment; Sanok, Poland
The highlander cross was the sign of Polish 21st and 22nd Mountain Infantry Divisions
The highlander cross was the sign of Polish 21st and 22nd Mountain Infantry Divisions

Since the early Middle Ages the sign of the swastika was well-established among all Slavic lands. Known as swarzyca, it was primarily associated with one of the Slavic gods named Svarog.

Swastiks on the Denarius of Mieszko I of Poland, 970-992
Swastiks on the Denarius of Mieszko I of Poland, 970-992

With time the significance of the symbol faded, but it was preserved in numerous cases as a personal symbol of various personalities, as was the case of the Boreyko Coat of Arms. It was also preserved in the folk culture of the region of Podhale, where it was used as a talisman well into the 20th century. As a solar symbol, it was painted or carved on various parts of houses in the Tatra Mountains and was thought to save the household from evil.

The blue Swastika emblem was the insignia of the Polish League of Anti-air and Anti-gas Defence (Liga Obrony Przeciw Lotniczej i Przeciwgazowej).
The blue Swastika emblem was the insignia of the Polish League of Anti-air and Anti-gas Defence (Liga Obrony Przeciw Lotniczej i Przeciwgazowej).

The ancient symbol used by the Góral societies was adopted by the Polish mountain infantry units in the 1920s.

Karlowicz's stone in the Tatra Mountains, 2006
Karlowicz's stone in the Tatra Mountains, 2006

It was adopted as a regimental insignia by the artillery units of the 21st and 22nd Infantry Divisions, as well as by the soldiers of the 4th Legions' Infantry, the 2nd and the 4th Podhale Rifles. A distinctive blue swastika was a background emblem of The Air defence and Anti-gas League (1928-1939, LOPP), which had circa 1.5 million members in 1937.

Outside of the military traditions, the mountaineer's swastika also influenced a number of other symbols and logos used on Polish soil. Among such was the logo of the IGNIS publishing company (est. 1822), and the personal symbol of Mieczysław Karłowicz, a notable composer and admirer of the Tatras. After his tragic death in the mountains in 1909, the place of his death was marked by a memorial stone and a swastika [6]. Finally, it was also used as a personal logo and ex libris by Walery Eliasz-Radzikowski of Boreyko Coat of Arms, a Polish author who was also strongly influenced by the Polish mountaineers and had a swastika on the dust jackets of all his books and letters.

ASEA logo used from the late nineteenth century until 1933
ASEA logo used from the late nineteenth century until 1933

[edit] Russia

The Russian Provisional Government of 1917 printed a number of new bank notes with right-facing, diagonally rotated swastikas in their centres.[58]

[edit] Sweden

In a painting of the Norse god Thor fighting jotner, by the Swedish artist Mårten Eskil Winge from 1872, a swastika is clearly visible in his belt.

The Swedish company ASEA, now a part of Asea Brown Boveri, used the swastika in its logo from the 1890s to 1933, when it was removed from the logo.

[edit] Denmark

In the first part of the 20th century, the Danish brewery Carlsberg had a swastika as its logo[59][60]

[edit] Norway

The iron gate of Oslo lysverker from 1931, right besides the Nobel Institute in Oslo, are decorated with several swastikas.

[edit] References

  1. ^ House of Commons Hansard Debates for 12 Jun 1996 (pt 41).
  2. ^ C.R. "Johnny" Walker. "The Fleur-de-lis and the Swastika". "Johnny Walker's Scouting Milestones Pages. November 2003.
  3. ^ Benjamin Joffe-Walt,"The unfortunate Bolton swastika", Guardian Unlimited, April 27, 2006.
  4. ^ Finnish Airforce FAQ referenced on 17 November 2006.
  5. ^ http://www.mil.fi./ruotuvaki/index.dsp?action=read_page&pid=36&aid=537
  6. ^ Kunniakas hakaristimme Virtualpilots.fi (Finnish) Referenced on 17 November 2006.
  7. ^ Kunniakas hakaristimme Virtualpilots.fi (Finnish) Referenced on 17 November 2006.
  8. ^ See http://www.askaboutireland.ie for a picture of a vehicle made up to look like such a van, for the purposes of a television drama. Retrieved June 22, 2006.
  9. ^ "Irish Journal" translated by Leila Vennewitz (Abacus, London, 1983) pp.21-2
  10. ^ Dov Gutterman, Latvia: Aircraft Marking, June 20, 2004.
  11. ^ Scott H. Howard, City Attorney, Glendale, California City of Glendale Interdepartmental Communication, August 17, 1995.
  12. ^ JewishJournal.com "Glendale Discusses Future of Swastika Lampposts", October 11, 2002.
  13. ^ Jewish Defense League archive "A Swastika In Any Direction Is Still A Swastika"
  14. ^ Anti-Defamation League press release, "ADL Applauds FBI For Arrest of JDL Leader Irv Rubin for Alleged Acts Of Terrorism", December 12, 2001.
  15. ^ United Valve, Valve History website.
  16. ^ Albuquerque, New Mexico, Official City Website, "swastikas"
  17. ^ Lyn Topinka, "Jantzen Beach Carousel, Portland, Oregon", see section on "Hector", the carousel horse with swastika saddle, from "The Columbia River, A Photographic Journey", English River Website, October 2006.
  18. ^ Patty Dean, "Unique and Handsome: Cass Gilbert's Designs for the Montana Club", Drumlummon Views, Spring/Summer 2006, page 11.
  19. ^ "Discover Helena, Treasure of the Treasure State", Helena Convention and Visitors Bureau website.
  20. ^ Yerkes Observatory Virtual Tour, see plaster owl at bottom of page.
  21. ^ "Burger Boat Cruiser Lady Isabel has a Unique Story to Tell", Wisconsin Maritime Museum, Anchor News, Winter 2004.
  22. ^ "Celebrate Historic Preservation" brochure, Herald Times Report, Lakeshore Chronicle, May 18, 2005.
  23. ^ "From Swastika to Thunderbird". 45th Infantry Division Museum.
  24. ^ Brigadier General Ross. H. Routh (Ret.) "From Swastika to Thunderbird". The M38A1 Restoration Site. History of the 45th Infantry Division
  25. ^ www.wwiaviation.com "Escadrille Americaine"
  26. ^ See photo: "an American plane decorated with a swastika and Indian chief head, symbol of the escadrille" "Flying for France" Hero Tales of Battles in the Air, Told by James R. McConnell, Sergeant-Pilot in the French Flying Corps, With the American Escadrille at Verdun.
  27. ^ New Hanover County Public Library, "Wilmington in pictures" Louis T. Moore Collection, Photograph Number 35, Oakdale Cemetery - Hebrew Cemetery - Grave of Arthur Bluethenthal.
  28. ^ Katie Childs, "Biondi refuses to remove painting Denies student, faculty requests" The University News, St. Louis University, April 15, 2004.
  29. ^ Multi-Wood Surfboards, Pacitic System Homes Surfboard, from WoodSurfboards.com Surf History Preservation Collection.
  30. ^ Malcolm Gault-Williams, "Legendary Surfers, A Definitive History of Surfing's Culture and Heroes, John Heath "Doc" Ball", October 2004.
  31. ^ Tony Brown, "The Swastika on Canadian and Newfoundland Stamps", March 2003.
  32. ^ Quipu, A Newsletter Published By The New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Vol. 9.1, April 2004, page 2.
  33. ^ ESRI GIS and Mapping Software website, Redlands Guide, [A.K.Smiley Public Library | http://www.esri.com/company/redlands/heritage_library.html]
  34. ^ Augustan Society, Inc. News Page, October 28, 2002.
  35. ^ Donald H. Harrison, "Symbol problems: cross and swastika spark city controversies", Jewish Sightseeing, June 26, 1998.
  36. ^ Steven Heller, "The Case of the Missing Swastika", American Institute of Graphic Artists (AIGA), Design Forum article, May 17, 2004.
  37. ^ Edith Altman,"Reclaiming the Symbol/The Art of Memory", Installation, 1988-1992.
  38. ^ Stephen C. Feinstein, "Witness and Legacy", Center for Holocaust Genocide Studies, University of Minnesota website.
  39. ^ | "A Short History of the First Chinese Church of Chirst In Commemoration of it 90th Anniversary", Mrs. Ah Jook Ku, web page dated June 16, 2006.
  40. ^ John Brand, "Swastika tiles in Statehouse symbolize luck, not genocide", Press of Atlantic City website pressofatlancitcity.com, October 2, 2005.
  41. ^ The sixth-grade students of CityLife Downtown Charter School Los Angeles, "The Sacred Spaces of Wilshire Boulevard, A Guide for Kids,by Kids" Copyright 2005, CityLife Downtown Charter School and the Los Angeles Conservancy.
  42. ^ Dave Schwarz photograph, St. Cloud Times photo gallery, May 3, 2006, showing removal of 1920s era terra cotta swastika tile.
  43. ^ History of Saint Mary's Cathedral, Cathedral of St. Mary, St. Cloud, Minnesota website, author not identified, "History of the Luminous Disks", July 9, 2006.
  44. ^ Robert Lavenda, "A History of Swastikas", Insights For A Diverse Campus Community, St. Cloud State University, Volume II, Issue 4, Spring 2005, page 3 (web page unavailable as of March 2007).
  45. ^ Patricia Kelly Witte, "St. Marys Mother Church of St. Cloud", Sentinel Printing, 2004, pages 56-61.
  46. ^ Dunn, Mary Irene, "Stearns County in the World War, An Honor Roll of the Men and Women of this Community Who Served Their Country in the Period from April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918, Compiled From State and National U.S. Military Records",manuscript dated 1932, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
  47. ^ Woodrow Wilson, photocopy of letter on White House stationary with note "Original in Chancery Archive vault", to Rt. Rev. J. F. Busch, Bishop of St. Cloud, January 26, 1918. Stearns History Museum. The museum in St. Cloud is one of only five in Minnesota accredited by the American Association of Museums.
  48. ^ Jay Furst, "When is a swastika not a swastika?", Rochester Post-Bulletin, January 3, 2006.
  49. ^ "Plummer House History & Facts", City of Rochester, Minnesota Park and Recreation Department website.
  50. ^ Arizona Capital Times, "Hate or rolling logs? Meaning changes for symbol", November 17, 2006. Requires subscription for access.
  51. ^ Office of Student Ethics and Anti-Harassment Programs, University of Indiana, | report July 1, 2001 through June 20, 2002.
  52. ^ Ragno, Sergio J. A. III, "Hidden in Plain Sight: The Remnants of a Shard of Hope Tainted by the Shadow of Evil", Spring 2006.
  53. ^ "Our Opinion" Editorial, "Lost Chance to Educate", Daily Sentinel, Rome, NY, November 5, 1998.
  54. ^ "Massachusetts Town Votes To Remove Indian Swastikas", Reuters, January 14, 1990.
  55. ^ David Grossack, "Donkeys in Brownshirts", Tinytown Gazette Newspaper and Advertising Company, October 4, 2006, Page 10.
  56. ^ Sarah M. Hyson, "A Preliminary Survey of the Historic Plays and Players Theatre: Preservation Issues to Be Addressed", University of Pennsylvania Theses (Historic Preservation), 2005. See color photograph: "Figure 11, Decorative Tile in Lobby", Page 28.
  57. ^ "Hate on Display: A Visual Database of Extremist Symbols, Logos and tattoos, "Swastika/Nazi Party Flag", Anti-Defamation League, Law Enforcement Agency Resource Network.
  58. ^ World Banknotes, Russia
  59. ^ (Danish) Flemming@netetiket.dk (2006). CarlsbergLabel.
  60. ^ Swastika-Info Webteam (2006). CarlsbergElephant.

[edit] External links