Western Desert cultural bloc
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The Western Desert cultural bloc is a cultural region in Australia covering about 600 000 square kilometres, including the Gibson Desert, Great Victoria Desert and the Great Sandy Desert in the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia.
It is inhabited by about 40 dialectal groups speaking a dialect of one language, called Wati or Western Desert language.
[edit] Dialectal groups
- Antekarinja
- Kukatja
- Luritja
- Mardu
- Ngaatjatjarra
- Ngaanyatjarra
- Nyanganyatjarra
- Pitjantjatjara
- Pintupi
- Spinifex people
- Yankunytjatjara
- Mandjildjara
[edit] References
- BERNDT Ronald M. 1959. The concept of 'The Tribe' in the Western Desert of Australia, Oceania, 30(2): 81-107.
- DOUSSET Laurent 2005. Assimilating Identities: Social Networks and the Diffusion of Sections. Sydney: Oceania Publications, Monograph 57.