Wessex Youth Orchestra

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The Wessex Youth Orchestra has been performing for over 35 years and has performed 3 concerts a year in that time. The orchestra has three main "feeder groups" the Starter Strings, Middle strings and Youth Fanfare. The Orchestra has seen thousands of young musicians from across the south go through its ranks and hundreds have graduated to join the ranks of professional musicians. Previous members are present in almost every major orchestra and Music Colleges across the United Kingdom and much of Europe. Previous members include Pianist Alison Farr, Violinist Duncan Riddell, Members of the Amici string quartet and BBC Young Musician winners. The Orchestra has been conducted for the duration of its life by Don Riddell MBE, BA, BMus, LRAM, LTCL who was awarded the MBE for services to the Wessex Youth Orchestra in the Christmas honours list 1999. The orchestra's website is at www.wessexyo.com.