Wesnoth Markup Language

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Wesnoth Markup Language
File extension: .cfg
Type of format: Event-driven programming language
Extended from: XML

Wesnoth Markup Language is an extension of XML used for coding the content for the open source game The Battle for Wesnoth.

The format is similar to XML, but tags are enclosed in square brackets.

Despite the "Markup" in the name, WML has added features to the point that it can be considered a programming language, and is believed to be Turing complete.[1] It is an event-driven language, with the [event] tag allowing actions to be taken on events such as kills, deaths, movement, or specific turns. Variables and arrays are also supported. There is a preprocessor, mainly used to include different WML for different difficulty levels.

  1. ^ Wesnoth forums thread mentioning Turing completeness of WML

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