Werewolves (Heroscape)

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The Werewolves were presumably once part of the Elf species in the Heroscape Universe.

Heroscape Race
Affiliation Utgar
Species Elf
Race Werewolf
Homeplanet Feylund
Number of Sets 2

[edit] The Werewolves

The Werewolves in the Heroscape Universe were presumably once Elves, the dominate humanoid species on Feylund. They have swiftly become a major power along with the Undead. At once point they allied with the Elves against the Undead, but upon victory, the Darklord and his Werewolves turned on the Elves and killed many of them.

Werewolf technology appears very similar to Ancient Egypt, although most Werewolves use nothing more but their lethal teeth and claws.

[edit] Toys

Werewolf Sets that have appeared:

Utgarā€™s Rage:

  • Khosumet the Darklord

Werewolf King wielding a razor-sharp khopesh
(His bio indicates that he is ruthless, relentless, bloodthirsty and is perhaps the finest example of Utgar's rage. This vicious wolf warrior is also known as Utgar's grim reaper.)

  • Anubian Wolves

Werewolves fighting with nothing but their teeth and claws
(Their bio indicates that the sheer fury of these wild werewolves can make even the most fearless foe's blood run cold.)

[edit] External Links

The Official Heroscape Site