Wendelin Wiedeking

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Dr. Ing. Wendelin Wiedeking (August 28, 1952 in Ahlen, Germany) is (since 1991) member of the executive committee, (since 1992) the executive committee speaker, and (since 1993) the CEO of Porsche AG. In addition he is (since January 28, 2006) member in the supervisory board of Volkswagen and president of Porsche. He is considered by many as one of the most influential people in the automotive industry today.


[edit] Life before Porsche

Wiedeking grew up in Beckum, Germany and attended RWTH in Aachen. After graduation 1978, he remained at RWTH for graduate school, in order to attain a doctorate in engineering. He earned his doctorate in 1983.

[edit] With Porsche

He came to Porsche 1991 and became a member of the board for production and stock management.

After years guidance by Wiedeking, Porsche has become one of the most productive companies in the automobile industry (in terms of revenue per unit). Wiedeking again and again is a candidate for the guidance of larger automakers (such as Ferdinand Piëch’s successor at Volkswagen). Wiedeking has received numerous honors for his work at Porsche. Among other things Wiedeking, in 2003, was awarded a medal for “humor in the office”.

Wendelin Wiedeking can be considered an example of a successful manager, when he develops his own management style suitable to the product. Wiedeking has apperared several times in an annually recurring article of Motor Trend titled "The Power List" (2005/2006/2007). The article ranks the most influential people in the automotive world; in the 2005 article he was ranked as #6, in 2006 he was ranked #3, while in the 2007 article he was ranked as #4.

Wiedeking criticizes the tendency in Germany to notice only negative and to "almost look for it."

[edit] Honors

[edit] Quotes

Note: these quotations were translated from German, so they are subjects of slight distortion.

  • "When one is dishonest here, it undermines all the reliability of our political and economic bases, and is more dangerous than the system criticism of the [nineteen-]eighties and [nineteen-]sixties."
  • "In the social free-market economy we must find a reconciliation between capital and work, and many enterprises miss this effort today.”
  • "If size did matter, the dinosaurs would still be alive."
  • "No one needs a Porsche."

[edit] Citations

  • Ulrich Viehöver: Der Porsche Chef. Wendelin Wiedeking - mit Ecken und Kanten an die Spitze. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2003. ISBN 3-593-37207-X. Review in Die Welt of October 13, 2003)

[edit] External links

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