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Also called: Riesling Italico, Olaszrizling, Laski Rizling, Graševina
Notable regions: Hungary, Croatia, Austria

Welschriesling is a white grape variety grown predominantly in Hungary. It is also grown in Italy where it is known as Riesling Italico, and over much of Eastern Europe, where it is known in the local languages as Laski Rizling in Slovenia or Graševina in Croatia. In Hungary, where it is grown in all wine regions but for Tokaj, and where more than 80% of the world's Olaszrizling originates from, it is called Olaszrizling.

In Austria the main regions it is grown in are south and south eastern Styria, Burgenland, and Weinviertel where it is made into sparkling wine. Near Lake Neusiedl it is used to make Botrytis dessert wines. It is also grown in Romania where it makes a late harvest wine.

The German name "Welschriesling" literally means 'Romanic Riesling'. Despite the name it is not related to the Riesling grape.

The wines are generally fruity and fresh for drinking young, other than the late harvest dessert wines which can age for a few years and are much richer.

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