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[edit] Overview
With specific context to Windows Explorer, the term 'webview refers to the left-hand side portion when Windows Explorer is opened up. It is the area on the left which displays information about a file that is selected in the FileList view to the right. In some sense, the term "webview" is a deprecated term, as Microsoft changed the terminology to "Task Pane" starting from Windows XP. Webview has been a feature of Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows 2000. For the purpose of this article, the term webview and task pane are synonymous.
[edit] Structure
Webview is inherently customizable as it exposes HTML interfaces for modification. Webview run off what are know as Hypertext Templates. These are files with the extension '.htt'. This customizability was straight forward under Windows 98, ME and Windows 2000. However, Under Windows XP, following concerns related to security issues, customization became slightly difficult. Under Windows XP, a specific registry key has to be set to a specific value for any custom webview to work.