Webu Sayadaw

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Webu Sayadaw was a highly respected monk in Myanmar, who was said to be fully liberated, an arahat, who had extinguished all suffering, free from the cycle of birth and death, who taught the way of liberation, 'anapana' in the simplest of terms.

He was born of U Lu Pe and Daw Kyin Nu at Ingyinbin village near Ma daunghla railway station in Khin U township on Monday 2nd February 1896. His real name was U Kumara ( Bhadanta Kumar Kassapa )

He became a novice monk at the age of nine and underwent the usual monk's training in the Pali scriptures. After his ordination at the age of twenty, he then spend some time for higher studies of Buddha Dhamma at the Masoyein Monastery of Mandalay, where it was noticed that he was more bent on the practical aspect of Buddha's teachings. In 1923 (seven years after his ordination), he left for the valley of Webula and Webara hills near Kyaukse where he spent many years striving ardently for the realisation of the Nibbana (or Nirvana) through Anapana-sati (awareness of breathing in and out) or meditation.

Although he preferred solitude, his reputation spread rapidly. His retreat was known as Webu Chaung (Webu Valley). At this place he used to stay from July to December, from January to March at Aungmye Yeiktha-shwebo & from April to June at Ingyinbin village. Sayagyi U Ba Khin, one of the most famous meditation teachers in Myanmar, became Webu Sayadaw's disciple.

Sayadaw passed away on Sunday 26th June 1977 at 7.30 pm at his birthplace. The chief disciple of Gautama the Buddha, was also died into Parinibbana at this place.

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