Website defacement

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A website defacement is when a hacker breaks into a web server and alters the hosted website or creates one of his own.

A message is often left on the webpage stating his or her pseudonym and the output from "uname -a" and the "id" command along with "shout outs" to his or her friends. Sometimes the hacker makes fun of the system administrator for failing to maintain server security. Most times the defacement is harmless, however, it can sometimes be used as a distraction to cover up more sinister actions such as uploading malware.

[edit] See also

A website defacement is when a hacker has gained access to the vulnerble server by a bug, and then defaces the site. Once the attacker has gained access he/she can progress to try and "root" the server, which is basically the highest user on the system. From there he/she can mass deface every site on the server. Defaces can be anything from political, religious, to just fun.

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