Web accelerator

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A web accelerator is a proxy server that reduces web site access times. They can be a self-contained hardware appliance or installable software.


[edit] Techniques

Web accelerators may use several techniques to achieve this reduction:

  • They may cache recently or frequently accessed documents so they may be sent to the client with less latency or at a faster transfer rate than the remote server could.
  • They may freshen objects in the cache ensuring that frequently accessed content is readily available for display.
  • They may prefetch documents that are likely to be accessed in the near future.
  • They may compress documents to a smaller size, for example by reducing the quality of images or by sending only what's changed since the document was last requested.
  • They may filter out ads and other undesirable objects so they are not sent to the client at all.
  • They may maintain persistent TCP connections between the client and the proxy server.

[edit] Location

Web accelerators may be installed on the client (browsing) computer / mobile device or on ISP hosted servers or both. Accelerating delivery through compression requires some type of host based server to collect, compress and then deliver content to a client computer.

[edit] Client-Server

There may be two sections to the proxy as well - a server portion sits in front of the Web server and captures the input and output from the server and a client portion sits in front of the end-users Web Browser to capture the input and output from the browser.

[edit] Client Side

As of July 2006, these applications generally serve to improve dial-up, broadband and other connections that users may not be getting the best speed from. Many users can achieve a 2 to 10 times speed increase in average browsing experience, while some report a 5 to 20 times speed increases for specific web sites and pages. Many ISPs offer web accelerators as a part of their dial up and broadband services. Web accelerators are typically designed for web browsing and, sometimes, for e-mailing and can not improve speeds of streaming, gaming, P2P downloads or many other Internet applications.

[edit] Server Side

Other web accelerators are targeted at the web site or web application owners. This type of web accelerator is installed in front of web servers and application servers and use a variety of the above techniques to improve performance to all users accessing the accelerated web sites or web applications.

[edit] Most Popular

Since there are so many different PC configurations, it is impossible for any one web accelerator to be the best as an application of its purpose. It is even possible for a web accelerator to slow down and clog up a connection.

[edit] Comparison

Compression Operating
Browser Caching Prefetching Client Connection Price
FasterFox for Firefox None Windows, Mac, Mobile devices Firefox Yes Yes user Dialup, Wireless, Broadband, DSL Free
SiteCelerate Text & Images  ? Any Yes Yes user/ISP Any Per CPU
ONSPEED Text & Images & Flash & Office Docs Windows, Mac, Mobile devices Any No No user Dialup, Wireless, Broadband, DSL $49.99 (US)
£24.99 pa
Free (for users of BT Yahoo! Dialup Internet in the UK)
Proxyconn Web Accelerator Text & Images & Flash & Office Docs Windows, Mac, Mobile devices Any Yes Yes user Dialup, Wireless, Broadband, DSL $47.88 Yearly or $5.95 Monthly
Google Web Accelerator Yes Windows Explorer, Firefox Yes Yes user/Google server Broadband Free
Propel Images, Text, Email, HTTP downloads Windows, Mac Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Netscape Yes No End User, ISP Dial, DSL, ISDN, Satellite, wireless $44.95 US per year. Free with many ISP subscriptions
Toonel Text & Images Windows, Linux, MacOS, Symbian, WindowsMobile Any No No user/ISP Any Free
Freewire Images and email attachments Windows, except NT and 95 Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher  ?  ? ISP Dial-up local rate

[edit] External links