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WebRank is a feature on Yahoo! Toolbar that displays the numerical importance of a web page, theorectically used for determining the importance of web pages on Yahoo! Search. WebRank, similar to the PageRank feature on the Google Toolbar, is being discussed by SEO enthusiasts.

Do you know how search engines rank a particular website ?.The answer is that :

.More the density of keywords more are the search results for the websites.

.The website must be readable by the Spiders or crawlers.

However, forceful use of keywords for search engine optimization may be considered illegal

To give the best example for a SEO rating is recently created a website http://freesurfer.webs.io which you can by analysis know that it has a zero rating in front of big websites for content,popularity etc.For analyzing this website or your own website you can refer to various online tools available on internet.This website has a zero rating as it might have not been crwaled by a search engine crawler yet.If this website would have been listed in search engines it would have been surely visited by many users.

This also means that SEO rating is compared considering popularity of a website.The time taken by a website can also become a point of interest in SEO optimization, because faster the weebsites loads,the more faster can a surfer browse through its content, and the more he comes to know about the website,there is a better chance of him using the website;repeatedly.

These are few pionts considered for SEO optimization, but this information is not complete and is not completely reliable.o one can predict the SEO rankings.The best way is to be what you are, and create a website for the purpose it is really meant for.

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