WebMathematics Interactive

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WebMathematics Interactive (WMI) is an open source mathematics software. It mainly supports solving problems and exercises in mathematics for the age of 14-20. WMI also helps in verifying solutions and discovering skills and level of knowledge. Users need only internet connection and a web browser to use WMI.


[edit] Didactical background

Nowadays ever more people study mathematics in universities or colleges. However, study groups are usually too big for the teacher to help each student to gain a deep understanding of the educational material. The spread of computers and the internet provides a reliable aid for many more students as an 'every day tool'. WMI also supports practicing typical exercises and preparation for the exams.

[edit] Technical details

The WMI program is written in PHP. Many other software are also contained in the underlying software packages, like LaTeX, latex2html, Apache, PostgreSQL, xeukleides and so on.

[edit] References

[edit] Authors

The software is primarily developed in the University of Szeged (link), Bolyai Institute (link). The project was supported by the Ministry of Informatics and Communications, Hungary, in 2003.

[edit] The software

The most recent version can be downloaded from the Sourceforge server, however it can be used immediately as well.

[edit] References

R. Vajda and Z. Kovács: Interactive Web Portals in Mathematics, Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science 1 (2) (2003), 347-361

M. K. Németh and R. Vajda: Computer-Assisted Assessment of Mathematical Knowledge. In: Computer Algebra Systems and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Teaching. Proceedings of the Sprout-Selecting Conference, 2004, pp. 113-127, Pécs

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