Weapons in the Fire Emblem Series

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Conventional weapons are essential for success in the Fire Emblem series. These weapons can be both a melee weapon or be able to hit enemies with a ranged attack, allowing the attacker to avoid being attacked by the defender sometimes, and being able to retaliate to most attacks. The conventional weapon group is made up of swords, lances, axes, and bows. Each weapon has a certain number of uses, and when that number is reached, the weapon is either broken awaiting repair or dropped.

Units have weapon levels which determine what weapons that unit can use. After a unit participates in combat, the level of the weapon the unit used in combat gains some experience. Once all 100 weapon level experience points are gained for that level,the level will go up and the unit can now use better weapons. As the weapon level gets higher the amount of weapon level experience points the unit gets per battle goes down. The ranking system uses the letters "E" through "S", with "E" being the lowest and "S" being the highest. Every weapon has a level also , so an "E" ranked weapon can be used by any unit with a rank of "E" or higher in that weapon's type (a unit with "S" in swords can use "E", "D", "C", "B", "A", and "S" swords, while a unit with "C" swords can only use "E" through "C"). Also there is "Prf" which is only a certain unit can use that weapon. Ex: Lyn(FE7) with the Mani Kati. There is usually only one(1) of each "Prf" weapon in each game.


[edit] Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryū to Hikari no Tsurugi

This is the only Fire Emblem in which you can buy the rapier in regular weapon shops. The rapier is Marth's "Prf" weapon, so only he can wield it. There is no weapon triangle(see below) in this game, but certain weapons do have specific traits.

[edit] Fire Emblem Gaiden

In this game only special ("Prf") weapons need to be equipped, and these and regular weapons will never break.

[edit] Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo

Flying units and cavalry units can dismount and fight on foot. While riding, they can only use lances, but while on foot they can only use swords. These units are forced of their mounts during interior missions. With the help of the Altean knight Jeigan, the Talisian Princess Sheeda, and others, Marth embarks on a quest to find the sacred sword known as Falchion and the Fire Emblem that will allow him to wield it.

[edit] Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu

When weapons run out of uses in this ga,e the can be repaired at your castle. Characters cannot trade weapons and items or give them to each other. The only way to "give" something to another character is to sell the item or weapon and have another character buy it.

[edit] Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

The combat system is exactly like Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu's but when units participate in battle the fatigue meter a bit. When this meter is full, the unit can not participate in each battle.

[edit] Fire Emblem: Fūin no Tsurugi

This game uses a weapons triangle for conventional weapons and magic. Fūin no Tsurugi did not have any new gameplay material except better graphics. The item transporter tent is mobile, but lacks combat potential. Roy, the main character's "Prf" weapon is a Rapier but later gains the Sealed Sword, which is a sword with the ability to strike melee or ranged blows. Also, Roy's Father has the sword Durandal, and Hector has the axe Armads.

[edit] Fire Emblem

The first lord you get is Lyn. She receives the Mani Katti, her first "Prf" sword. At chapter 11, you get Eliwood, and Lyn leaves. Like his son, Eliwood uses a Rapier, his first "Prf" sword. After a short time you meat Hector, the third lord with a Wolf Beil, his "Prf" axe. In a later chapter of eliwood's mode, a second rapier becomes available as an enemy is holding it And will drop it if killed. At the last chapter, your lords receive new weapons. Eliwood gets the Durandal, Hector the Armads, and Lyn the Sol Katti. During the last chapter, when you kill certain units you receive a "S" rated legendary weapons. The final boss, the Fire Dragon has Flametounge, or dragon breath. Almost nothing can touch it.

[edit] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Eirika is your first lord that wields swords. Her weapon is a Rapier. Her Brother Ephraim, who is your second lord wields lances and has Reginleif. Throughout the game you will receive numerous Sacred Twins. These are the "S" weapons for the game along with Eirika's and Ephraim's second "Prf" rated weapons. All these weapons are super effective against monsters which will be a major threat to you in the game. Ephraim will receive Siegmund the fire lance and Eirika gets Sieglinde, the storm-blade. In this game you get a Manakete (dragonfolk). The only weapon she can use is a Dragonstone which maxes out 90% of her stats, does incredible damage vs. everything and is super effective vs. monster units. Some claim that the Manakete can also use claws and fangs if the game was to be hacked, but this is not an official proven fact. Sacred Stones also features the first anima using sword.

[edit] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance features a Weapon Triangle like its Game Boy Advance predecessors. The main character, Ike is a ranger receives a Regal Sword at the beginning of the game. It has 40 uses and is highly effective against armored and mounted units. He gains the sword Ragnell after his father's death, but never uses it until the Black Knight battle. Princess Elincia has the sword Amiti which allows her to strike consecutively and has unlimited use. You can get one of two dragons, Ena and Nasir, who utilize breath attacks, which does high damage. The S-ranked weapons are as followed: Vague Katti (sword), Wishblade (lance), Double Bow (bow), Rexflame (Fire), Rexcalibur (Wind), Rexbolt (Thunder), and Rexaura (light). There is no S-ranked axe in this game for playable characters, this is because the S-axe is Urvan, the weapon of the fallen leader, Greil. Your enemies can utilize some special weapons as well. Petrine has a Flame Lance that hits with normal lance attacks at melee range and big fire magic attacks from afar. The Black Knight has Alondite. He can only be damaged by Ike with Ragnell. The mini-boss Bryce, has a Wishblade. Finally, the boss King Ashnard has the mighty weapon Gurgurant.

[edit] Weapon Triangle

In most Fire Emblem games, there is a weapon triangle. Swords use their mobility to beat axes, axes use their shear strength to beat lances, and lances utilize their length to overcome swords. Swords are generally more lighter, so the do less damage than lances or axes but are generally more accurate and have a higher critical hit rate. Lances are more generally more balanced between weight, damage, and accuracy. Axes lean more torwards weight and damage, while being a little less accurate than swords and lances. Bows only hit targets at a range, and have no melee ability. Bows are neutral to all weapons and are outside the triangle. Weapons of no type, such as breath or claws are neutral also. Reaver weapons flip the triangle around. If one reaver weapon is in combat, the triangle is reversed. If two reavers battle, the triangle remains normal.

[edit] Swords

Swords specialize in accuracy and being lightweight. This enables sword-wielding to usually attack twice in one battle. Swords feature the highest critical hit percentage out of all the weapons in the series. The Light Brand, Wind Sword, and Runesword are the indirect and direct attackers, like the Javalin or Hand Axe. When attacking in melee range, the Light Brand and Wind Sword attack like swords, but during ranged attacks they use magic (the Wind Sword is only featured in Fire Emblem Secred Stones[#8]) The Runesword however attacks with dark magic during melee and ranged attacks. When the Runesword's attack hits an enemy, the wielder gains 100% of the damage dealt to the enemy in hit points. This feature is useful, as it allows self-healing. The Sealed Sword, Roy's second "Prf" sword in Fire Emblem #6, has an indirect ranged attack that utilizes sword type attacks both near and far. The antagonist in Fire Emblem #6 is King Zephiel of Bern. He wields the special sword Exaccus, which can attack over a distance with sword type attacks like the Sealed Sword.

Some swords are super efective against certain types of units. The Longsword(#7) or Zanbato as it's known in #8, is super effective against cavalry. The Armourslayer is super effective against armoured units. The Rapier, a common "Prf" weapon along with the Mani Katti (Lyn's "Prf" weapon from #7) are super effective against cavalry units also. A Wyrmslayer, Sol Katti (Lyn's second "Prf" #7), Armads (Hector's second "Prf" # 6 and 7), and Durandal (Eliwood's second "Prf" #6 and 7) are all super effective against wyvrin units and dragons. Also, all the sacred twin "S" rated weapons, Siegmund (Ephraim's second "Prf") and Sieglinde (Eirika's second "Prf") from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones(#8) are all super effective against monster units.

Along with the standard swords, there are Blades which have more attack, but less uses and much heavier.

Here is a list of swords: (name, rank, uses, effect [if there is one])

  • Iron Sword, E, 46
  • Iron Blade, D, 35
  • Steel Sword, D, 30
  • Longsword (#7)/Zanbato (#8), D, 18, strong against cavalry
  • Shamshir, D, 20, improves critical hit rate
  • Lancereaver, C, 15, strong against lances
  • Steel Blade, C, 25
  • Killing Edge, C, 20, improves critical hit rate
  • Brave Sword, B, 30, can strike consecutively
  • Wind Sword(#8), B, 40, capable of indirect anima magic attacks
  • Light Brand, B, 30, capable of indirect light magic attacks
  • Silver Sword, A, 20
  • Silver Blade, A, 15
  • Runesword, A, 15, capable of indirect dark magic attack & heals user
  • Vague Katti (#9), S, 25, improves critical hit rate
  • Regal Blade (#7), S, 30
  • Audhulma (#8), S, 30, strong vs. monster units & +5 resistance bonus
  • Regal Sword (Ike #9), Prf, 40, strong against cavalry and armored units
  • Mani Katti (Lyn #7), Prf, 45, strong against cavalry and armored units
  • Rapier (many lords), Prf, 40, strong against cavalry and armored units
  • Sol Katti (Lyn #7), Prf, 30, strong against wyverns
  • Durandal( Eliwood #7), Prf, 30, srong against wyverns
  • Sieglinde (Eirika #8), Prf, 30, strong against monster units
  • Sealed Sword (Roy #6), Prf, --, capable of indirect sword-type attacks
  • Exaccus(King Zephiel #6), Prf, --, capable of indirect sword-type attacks
  • Ragnell (Ike #9), Prf, --, Doubles as ranged attack
  • Alondite (Black Knight #9), Prf, --, Doubles as ranged attack

Sword Wielding Classes: Lord(Eirika #8), Great Lord(Eirika #8), Lord(Lyn #7), Blade Lord(Lyn #7), Lord Eliwood #7), Knight Lord(Eliwood #7), Great Lord(Hector #7), Myrmidon, Thief, Swordmaster, Assassin, Rouge(#8), Mercinary, Hero, Ranger(#8), Nomadic Trooper(#7), Cavalier, Paladin, Great Knight(#8), General*, Falcoknight, Wyvern Lord.

  • The General class gains the ability to wield swords upon promotion in The Sacred Stones and Path Of Radiance. Before then, in Fire Emblem 6 and 7, they can wield lances and axes when they promote.

[edit] Lances

Lances are built for balance with an balanced amount of accuracy, damage, and weight. The lance category features the Javelin, Short Spear, and Spear. These weapons have both a melee attack and a ranged attack. The weapons can be used as both a melee weapon or a ranged weapon. The Brave Lance allows the unit to attack twice what it would normally in battle. However, if a unit is fast enough, they can attack four times in a bout with the Brave Lance equipped.

Ephraim from Sacred Stones (#8) is the only lance wielding lord, and starts the game with Reginleif, a 45-use lance that is super effective against cavalry and armored units. Also, the Horseslayer lance is strong vs. cavalry units. Armored units are vulnerable to the Heavy Spear which is strong vs. big armored units. Siegmund is Ephraim's second "Prf" rated lance. It is strong vs. monster units and gives a +5 bonus to Ephraim's strength.

Here is a list of lances: (name, rank, uses, effect [if there is one])

  • Iron Lance, E, 45
  • Javelin, E, 20, doubles as ranged attack
  • Steel Lance, D, 30
  • Heavy Spear, D, 18, strong against armoured units
  • Horseslayer, D, 18, strong against cavalry
  • Killer Lance, C, 20, improves critical hit rate
  • Axereaver, C, 15, strong against axes
  • Short Spear, C, 18, doubles as ranged attack
  • Brave Lance, B, 30, can strike consecutively
  • Silver Lance, A, 20
  • Spear, A, 15, doubles as range attack
  • Wishblade (#9), S, 25, doubles as a ranged attack
  • Reginleif (Ephraim #7), Prf, 45, strong against cavalry & armored units
  • Siegmund (Ephraim #7), Prf, 30, strong against monster units
  • Rex Hasta (#7), S, 30
  • Vidofnir (#8), S, 30, strong against monster units & +5 defense bonus

Lance wielding units: Lord (Ephraim #8), Great Lord (Ephraim #8), Knight Lord (Eliwood #7), Recruit (#8), Cavalier, Knight, General, Paladin, Great Knight (#8), Pegasus Knight, Wyvern Rider, Falco Knight, Wyvern Lord, Wyvern Knight (#8), Soldier (enemy only).

[edit] Axes

Axes focus on brute strength over speed and accuracy. They're generally quite heavy and have the lowest critical hit value. The Hand Axe is like the Javelin. It can be used as a melee weapon or ranged weapon. Even the most inexperienced axe-wielding units can use the Hand Axe as it has a weapon level of "E". Along with the Hand Axe, there is the Tomahawk. It is a stronger version of the Hand Axe, but much more difficult to wield, being that it has a weapon level of "A". Also Steel Axes are the only Steel weapons that only require a weapon level of "E" not "D" like all other Steel weapons.

The Hammer is an axe that is super effective against armored units. Like swords and lances axes have a Brave weapon. The Brave Axe has the ability to let the unit strike double the normal amount of times he/she can normally in one battle. The Battle Axe (only available in #8) is a very heavy strong axe that is difficult to wield and even harder to strike twice with. The Black Axe, Garm, is the Sacred Twin axe, and the most powerful axe in Sacred Stones (#8). It gives a speed bonus of five points to the wielder. Basilikos, one of the Legendary Weapons in Fire Emblem #7 is the second highest hitting weapon in that game, only second to Hector's Armads. Armads is super effective against Wyvern Lords, Wyvern Knights, and Dragons, but is slightly inaccurate. Axes have two different "reaving" weapons. The Swordreaver, which just reverses the triangle and the Swordslayer, which reverses the triangle and is super effective against sword-wielders.

List of axes: (name, rank, uses, effect [if there is one])

  • Iron Axe, E, 45
  • Hand Axe, E, 20, doubles as a ranged attack
  • Devil Axe, E, 45, may hurt user
  • Steel Axe, E, 30
  • Swordreaver, C, 15, strong against swords
  • Swordslayer, C, 15, strong against sword users
  • Killer Axe, C, 20, improves critical hit rate
  • Brave Axe, B, 30, can strike consecutively
  • Battle Axe (#8), B, 20, strong but difficult to wield
  • Silver Axe, A, 20
  • Tomahawk, A, 15, doubles as ranged attack
  • Garm (#8), S, 30, strong against monster units & +5 speed bonus
  • Basilikos (#7), S, 30
  • Wolf Beil (Hector #7), Prf, 45, strong against infantry
  • Armads (Hector #7), Prf, 30, strong against wyverns

Axe wielding units: Journeymen(#8), Pirate, Fighter, Berserker, Warrior, Hero, General, Great Knight(#8), Brigand(Only available in FE6), Lord(Hector #7), and Great Lord(Hector #7).

  • The Devil Axe is unique. If a user is unlucky, he/she might cause damage to him/herself. There is a chance to hit oneself when using the Devil Axe, reduced by Luck. However, using the Devil Axe also significantly increases the Axe weapon level of the user.