WBCN Naked Disk

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WBCN Naked Disk
Compilation album by Various artists
Released 1997

In 19971 WBCN's Naked Disc is a collection of unreleased performances that were recorded at live shows or at the WBCN studio's in Boston. The sales went to two Boston charities, Stop Handgun Violence and The Boston Institute for Arts Therapy.

From the Album cover art2:

During WBCN's tenure as "the Rock of Boston" we've amassed an incredible store of live concerts broadcast and acoustic or semi-plugged in-studio performances only heard on the airwaves of 104.1 FM. With so many of you requesting us by phone, fax, and email to share this material, the idea for a benefit disc took form. In retrospect, with so much amazing music simmering in the cam, we realize that this CD is long overdue. All the bands on Naked Disc are good friends of WBCN and offered to lend us their performances. we'd like to thank hem for their enthusiasm and also recognize the record lables and publishing companies that generously assisted us in the creation of this album.

List of tracks and performers:1
1. Staring at the Sun by U2
2. Selling the Drama by Live
3. The Freshmen by The Verve Pipe
4. One Foot in the Grave by Beck
5. Glycerine by Bush
6. If You Could Only See by Tonic
7. Losing My Religion by Tori Amos
8. Fly by Sugar Ray
9. Morning Glory by Oasis
10. Bury My Heart by Tanya Donelly
11. Rosealia by Better Than Ezra
12. Superman's Dead by Our Lady Peace
13. I'm So Good in Bed by Robert Schimmel
14. Fall Out by The Police

The Police (Performer)
U2 (Performer)
Tori Amos (Performer)
Live (Performer)
Beck (Performer)
Oasis (Performer)
Henk Kooistra (Mastering)
Oedipus (Executive Producer)
John Reilly (Pre-Production)
Howie Weinberg (Mastering)
Tanya Donelly (Performer)
The Verve Pipe (Performer)
Better Than Ezra (Performer)
Our Lady Peace (Performer)
Tonic (Performer)
Robert Schimmel (Performer)
Leo Gozbekian (Photography)
Mim Michelove (Photography)
Sugar Ray (Performer)
Steve Tackeff (Photography)
Benjamin Holcomb (Artwork)
Dee Dee Kearney (Production Coordination)
Carter Alan (Producer)
Carter Alan (Liner Notes)

The album is no longer printed but can be found used on several websites.

UPC: 7555321008261


1. Yahoo Shopping [1]
2. Album cover art
3. Answers.com [2]