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Waziri is a derivative of the Arabic word وزیر, (Wazeer), or "Minister", and can refer to:

  1. Something or someone originating from Waziristan
  2. The Waziri language spoken in that region
  3. A breed of sheep originating from that region. See Waziri (sheep)
  4. A fictional African tribe in the Tarzan novels and their adaptions.
  5. The official title of the Sokoto Grand Vizier is Wazirin Sakkwato and
    1. The family in which that title is held uses "Waziri" as a family name.
    2. There are a lot of institutions, buildings, organizations (such as "houses" at schools and colleges, such as at Government College Sokoto) named "Waziri" after the office or specific notable holders of the house.
  6. Theres a pashtun tribe called Waziri Waziri Tribe