Way of the Samurai 2

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Way of the Samurai 2
centerCover Art
Developer(s) Acquire/Spike Interactive
Publisher(s) Capcom
Release date(s) July 07, 2004 (North America)
Genre(s) Adventure
Mode(s) Single player (main game)
Rating(s) ESRB: M (Mature)
Platform(s) PlayStation 2
Media 1 DVD
Input Controller
For the samurai code of conduct, see Bushido.

Way of the Samurai 2 is a PlayStation 2 action-adventure game released in 2004. The game is a sequel to Way of the Samurai, however despite similarities in gameplay and style the events and characters in each game are unrelated (Apart from the return of Dojima the swordsmith and Tesshin Kurou as a martial arts instructor).

At the start of the game, the characters default name is Mifune, a possible reference to Toshiro Mifune.


[edit] Gameplay

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The story of the "Way of The Samurai 2" does not pick off where the game left off. Instead, it covers events many years before the events of the original "Way of The Samurai". The player starts as an hungered ronin who collapsed at the gate of a famous trading island-city called Amahara. Soon thereafter, a little girl shares her riceball with the ronin, giving him (or her, depending on your choice) energy. A choice appears, greeting the player to the diverse, multi life of a samurai.

[edit] Combat

Keeping true to the name, combat systems from the original Way of the Samurai is carried over; albeit with some changes. Amongst them are the inclusion of "stance-breaker" attacks on nearly every weapon which are previously available only to a select few of swords, simplified guard/parry system, and the "instant kill" techniques. Also, many new combos have been added.

[edit] Swords

Many swords have been added from the previous game. Some special swords from the previous Way of The Samurai are even available throughout the game. Way of The Samurai 2 added two more stances, "Fencing" stance in which the swordsman keep the sword sheathed until it is required to attack, and "Two Hands" stance, in which the player is able to hold two swords at once. Also, there are new weapons installed such as handclaws, naginata, and even odachi and bokken.

[edit] Enhancements

Dojima from the previous game also makes an appearance, though not relating to the main plotline. Here he still serve as a blacksmith to enhance the player's swords. The stats, however, are simplified:

  • Attack: Attack strength, increases/decreases the amount of damage caused when an opponent is struck with the sword
  • Defense: Defensive strength, increases/decreases the amount of damage suffered when the player is struck by an opponent
  • Durability: Sword strength, increases the amount of tension the sword can generate before breaking (tension is generated by striking or blocking, and displayed using an on-screen meter)
  • Quality: The number of upgrades left that can be performed.

Also, the "Appraise" feature is able to make the swords upgraded more powerful. Their effects include addition to attack, defense, durability, tension resistance, or a combination of the above. These, however, requires certain conditions to be met, such as number of kills, attack power, etc. Some special swords are able to be appraised based on their name.

[edit] Groups in Amahara

Like it's predecessor, there are multiple sides in the seemingly peaceful Amahara.

The first is the Magistrates who "control Amahara with an iron fist". Headed by Chief Kuroha, the alert and vigilant magistrates arrest anyone they think breaks the law; even the villagers themselves. They do not hesitate to use forged evidence or inventing ludicrous reasons either. This oppressive rule made them feared by the townspeople.

The second is the Aoto Gang. Under the leadership of the "Old Boss" in the past, Aoto Gang is a group that upheld chivalry, protecting the people from the exploits of the magistrates. All changed when he died. The elections for the new leader hadn't been made yet, but a powerful warrior named Hanzaemon stepped in and filled the void, much to the dismay of the previous boss's daughter Kasumi. Now they are a ravaging group of thugs, doing all sorts of crimes from extortion to assassination.

The third group is the townspeople itself. Centered around the immense brothel of Amakaze, the townspeople's livelihood was very much depended on the brothel and the resulting trade that occurs around the vicinity. While they lacked specific forces, they do possess a meager amount of cash large enough to occasionally hire ronins or warriors to solve their problems. However, given the situation, they might not have that many days before they fell into the hands of the Magistrate, the Aoto Gang, or worse...

...into the hands of the Shogunate. Amahara is an island trading post who is allowed to have a govern its own affairs. However, the Shogunate have been taking a high interest in the area. Rumor has it that their spies have safely made their way in, blending with the crowd, and is watching every single movement within Amahara.

[edit] See also

[edit] Major and Minor Characters

  • No-name girl-The girl who first saves you with her riceball, if you choose to help her as your storyline, she reveals that her name is Sayo.
  • Danpachi-A citizen of Amakaze, a man who somewhat looks after Sayo. Danpachi is a kind man who does only the best things for Amahara.
  • Dojima-The town's blacksmith located in Numata-cho. He doesn't actually play a role in the storyline, as Amahara takes place before the first Way of the Samurai.
  • Master Tessho-The town's dojo master, beat him and you get a scroll for receiving moves for your sword. Tessho is the same person as Tesshin in the first Way of the Samurai, but with different colored clothes but has the same sword.
  • Hanzaemon-The current leader of the Aoto Gang, bent on taking over Amahara as its ruler and doing anything to get that.
  • Chief Kuroha-An old man who is the leader of the Magistrates, a man despite the Magistrates reputation, believes on making Amahara peaceful.
  • Muto Goshiro-A true follower of the Chief Magistrate Kuroha.
  • Nakamura-A skilled magistrate despite his appearance, in which he puts on make up and talks in a gay voice.
  • Kyojiro-An evil member of the Aoto Gang. She likes violence and the smell of blood as she says, if you join the Aoto Gang, she talks about how she likes you that she could hack you up. She is a true follower of Hanzaemon and his evil plans.
  • Three Clowns-Members of the Aoto Gang who takes pleasure in extortion. They all look the same including height despite different voices, their leader seems to be Ichikicki, followed by Santa, and Nihei, the dumb one. Each one carries different weapons, and they sometimes can be seen walking around town different places in a pack. Killing one of them may ruin the storyline.
  • Kasumi-The daughter of the old Aoto Gang boss, she tries to do whatever to save the town from their terror.
  • Yoshiro-A corrupt magistrate actually working for the Aoto Gang, he is quite mischievious, and serves as a lapdog for Hanzaemon.
  • Dr. Genan-The town's doctor, he actually grows the drug Soma that has the Magistrates worked up about, later on, Goshiro finds out and kills him.
  • Beniya-An undercover merchant working for the Shogun Government, in the end, if you have no storyline, you are either forced to assasinate Hanzaemon or leave Amahra, after Beniya offers you to work with him or not. Then the story ends.

[edit] Familiar faces

In Way of the Samurai 2, there some faces of people that are familiar to Way of the Samurai 1, although they do not have the same names or other appearances except their actual face.

Danpachi resembles Tsubohachi.

Tessho resembles Tesshin.

Paddler resembles Kitcho.

Another paddler resembles Kurou Punk B.

Koboto, the boy at the shrine, is Tsubohachi, but younger at age 8-10 in this game.

Big Aoto gang member resembles Jose.

Yoshiro resembles Inokashira.