Watergate timeline

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Pentagon Papers
Watergate burglaries
Watergate tapes
Saturday Night Massacre
United States v. Nixon
New York Times Co. v. United States


Ben Bagdikian
Carl Bernstein
Archibald Cox
John Dean
Deep Throat
Daniel Ellsberg
W. Mark Felt
Senator Mike Gravel
E. Howard Hunt
G. Gordon Liddy
John N. Mitchell
Richard Nixon
John Sirica
Watergate Seven
Bob Woodward


White House Plumbers
Senate Watergate Committee

List of people
connected with Watergate

Timeline of the Watergate scandal —Regarding attempts by the sitting U.S. President to discredit an anti-war whistleblower of official capacity, and upon exposure of related improprieties, to use the powers of office to silence political and legal opposition.

[edit] Sources

[edit] See also