Waterfront Trail

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Logo of The Waterfront Trail
Logo of The Waterfront Trail

The Waterfront Trail refers to an interconnected series of trails along the shores of Lake Ontario in Canada, currently beginning in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario and extending to Brockville, Ontario. The ongoing development of the Waterfront Trail is one of the largest and most important collaborations between the public and private sectors in Canada. The trail is an important conduit for commuters in Southern Ontario.[1]


[edit] Uses

[edit] Notable Waypoints

[edit] The Beaches

View of The Beaches using Google Earth
View of The Beaches using Google Earth

Perhaps more than at any other waypoint on the trail, The Beaches community, near Kew Beach and Ashbridges Bay in Toronto, represents the spirit and importance of trail culture in Canada. Where derelict housing and decrepit beach cottages once stood now stands a neighborhood reborn with trendy retail shops, access to world-class eating on the nearby Danforth Avenue and a unique integration with Canada's network of mixed-use hiking trails. In addition to trail and beach access, the area has a plethora of beach volleyball courts which are usually occupied by the scantily clad and physically fit.

[edit] Spencer Smith Park

Spencer Smith Park at Burlington is a prime example of the evolution of mixed-use development and city planning in the Greater Toronto Area. In 2006, the park became a symbol of the ongoing effort to reclaim the Lake Ontario shoreline after the latest phase of redevelopment featured the opening of Spencer's, an upscale restaurant on grounds once occupied by the Mohawk Canoe Club.

Individuals and groups can sometimes be seen performing yoga, Tai Chi and other arts at the public gazebo here. In addition, Spencer Smith Park hosts the annual Sound Of Music festival, a longtime tradition and celebration for Halton and surrounding areas.

[edit] Facts & Figures


  • 450 km (280 miles) designated (signed)
  • 290 km (180 miles) undesignated (signage yet to be installed and/or gaps in alignment)


  • 31 communities
  • 182 parks and natural areas
  • 152 arts and culture heritage attractions
  • 37 major annual waterfront festivals
  • 170 marinas and yacht clubs

[edit] External links

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ Trail usage at WaterfrontTrail.org

Flag of Canada Hiking Trails in Canada edit
Bruce Trail | Canol Heritage Trail | Chilkoot Trail | Confederation Trail | East Coast Trail | Galloping Goose Regional Trail | International Appalachian Trail | Iron Horse Trail | Mantario Trail | North Coast Trail |Oak Ridges Trail | Rideau Trail | Trans Canada Trail | Waterfront Trail | West Coast Trail | Wildside