Water gas shift reaction

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The water gas shift reaction is an inorganic chemical reaction in which water and carbon monoxide react to form carbon dioxide and hydrogen (water splitting)

CO + H2O → CO2 + H2

The water gas shift reaction is part of steam reforming of hydrocarbons and is involved in the chemistry of catalytic converters. It was discovered by Italian physicist Felice Fontana in 1780.

While this reaction could be used to produce hydrogen, the high temperatures required make it cost-prohibitive. The generation of hydrogen itself has significant promise as a replacement clean burning fuel itself however this reaction is usually done via the byproducts of fossil fuel combustion. The carbon monoxide can also be generated by bogs or other waste regenerative means.

Attempts to lower the reaction temperature of this reaction have been done primarily with a catalyst such as Fe3O4 (magnetite), or other transition metals and transition metal oxides.

The reverse water gas shift reaction has recently found a possible application in In-Situ Resource Utilization on Mars to provide oxygen for fuel.

[edit] See also

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