Watchers (novel)

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Title Watchers

2003 paperback edition
Author Dean Koontz
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Horror novel
Publisher Berkley Publishing
Released February, 1987
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 512 pp (paperback)
ISBN ISBN 0-399-13263-5

Watchers is a novel written by the best-selling author Dean Koontz, released in 1987.

[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

On his 36th birthday, Travis Cornell woke up at five, and went hunting. While out in the woods, he meets a dog who will change his life. With this dog, he flees from an enemy he doesn't see, to fight a battle he doesn't want to fight. Along the way, a woman with a terrible past, and a hit man who kills for fun, will get dragged into the final confrontation with the Outsider.

[edit] Characters

Travis Cornell-A lean, sinewy man with deep-set eyes the same dark brown as his hair. A man that's had his fair share of loss, Travis is in a deep state of depression, trying to relive his youth in the mountainside forests when he encounters a filthy, travel-worn golden retriever, the dog that would forever change his life, as well as renew his faith in life. Quickly, Travis is sucked into the mystery of something terrifying, something that until recently, he would dismiss as impossible.

Einstein-A Golden retriever that the main character, Travis Cornell crosses paths with while in the woods, the dog discourages Travis from venturing further. Upon a terrifying encounter with an unknown creature, Travis and Einstein flee the forest. Travis adopts Einstein, it doesn't take long for Travis to realize that this isn't a normal dog, although friendly and courageous, there is something else, the dog is more intelligent than other dogs, much more intelligent, and the dog knows the true horrors that are to come.

Vincent Nasco- Vincent's job allows him to perform his most favored, and empowering act, murder. Vincent is a hitman who was recently hired to exterminate what were referred to him as "Doctors". Upon further investigating, Vincent realizes that these doctors all have something in common, they all worked at a lab, producing terrifying, and astounding specimens. With money on his mind, Vincent plans to use this newly-obtained information for personal gain, Vincent searches...

[edit] External links