Washington Iron Works Skidder

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Washington Winch
Washington Winch

The Washington Winch was imported to Australia in the 1920s. It was initially used in Western Australia but was sold to the Forests Commission of Victoria for salvaging timber after the 1939 'Black Friday' fires. Washing Iron Works engines revolutionized steam logging in the 1920s and 30s. The steam powered winches were mounted on heavy log skid frames which allowed the winch to be transported to new sites. The Washington Winch operated a high lead and a skyline system. The high lead system was not often used as it only partially lifted the logs off the ground, which caused the logs to become caught in rocks and left behind a "snig track" which deepened over time. The skyline system involved two large spars (trees) used to create a "flying fox" to lift logs over the rough ground. Riggers climbed 60m up a large tree and headed the trunk, which would cause the tree to sway violently. They then secured the spar with guy cables and attached the tackle. This operation was dangerous and physically demanding, often taking a full day with lunch sent up on a rope. The Washington Winch was used to harvest Alpine Ash which would then be used for high-value products such as furniture, flooring and architraves.

The winch is a unique part of Victoria's cultural heritage and logging history; left intact with engine, spars and cabling still rigged for work it is the only steam powered engine of it's kind in Australia. It is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register, and managed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

Washington Winch on the far left, with rigging and spars visible near center of image
Washington Winch on the far left, with rigging and spars visible near center of image
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