Warren H. Manning

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Warren Henry Manning (November 7, 1860-1938) was an influential American landscape designer and promoter of the informal and naturalistic “wild garden” approach to garden design. In his designs, Manning emphasized pre-existing flora through a process of selective pruning to create a “spatial structure and character.” (Karson, 1997) An advocate for the conservation of the American landscape, Manning was a key figure in the formation of the American Society of Landscape Architects and a proponent of the National Park System.


[edit] History

Warren H. Manning was born in Reading, Massachusetts, to Jacob Warren Manning, who owned and operated a nursery. It was here that Manning developed an extensive knowledge of plant materials. Jacob Manning nourished his son’s interest in horticulture by including him on botanical expeditions and visits to other nurseries including the Downing nursery, owned by Charles Downing, brother of Andrew Jackson Downing (Karson, 2000). Manning also credited his mother, Lydia, a watercolorist, for his appreciation of the smaller details found in nature by exposing him to the home garden, pointing out “birds, flowers, toads, butterflies and beetles (Karson, 1997). Manning wrote that he “modeled in sand and mud hills, valleys, tunnels, houses, roads, and gardens with pools” (Karson, 1997). In 1884, this exposure, coupled with the internship experience at his father’s nursery, led to his desire to make “America a finer place in which to live” (Karson, 1997) and to choose landscape design as a profession.

In 1888, Manning left his father’s nursery business for a position at the landscape design office of Frederick Law Olmsted Sr. Here Manning’s extensive knowledge of plant materials was utilized in the planting designs of such projects as the Chicago Columbian Exposition of 1893. Here Manning was responsible for the final planting scheme and installation of the horticultural displays of the park (Karson, 1997). At the Olmsted office, Manning also worked on the planting design of the Biltmore Estate of George Vanderbilt in Asheville, North Carolina and extensive park designs in Milwaukee, Buffalo, Rochester, Chicago, Trenton and Washington, D.C.

In 1896, Manning left the Olmsted office to begin his own business on Tremont Street near the Boston Common. Aware that Frederick Olmsted Sr. would pass his business on to both of his sons and Charles Eliot, one of his business partners, before him, Manning decided to start out on his own (Karson, 2000). When Manning left the firm, Olmsted allowed him to take about 15 jobs with him; one of these clients was William Gwinn Mather. Mather heartily supported Manning and would employ him on sixty design and planning projects throughout their lives including the design of his home near Cleveland, Ohio (Karson, 1997).

In 1919, Manning’s talents took him to Birmingham, Alabama, where he worked on a new design for the city. He recommended a radical resource-based plan which included “multiple neighborhood-based centers determined by available resources” (Karson, 2001). He also makes note of the importance of parks throughout the city stating that “the cities that are best designed have about one-eight of their area in parks and about one acre to 75 people” (Manning, 1919). This approach was in direct contrast to the then popular City Beautiful movement which emphasized monumental civic centers and Beaux Arts architecture style public buildings (Karson, 2001). The architectural design of the Chicago Columbian Exposition was based in the City Beautiful movement, but now, on his own, Manning decided on a different course following his own landscape theories which were based on the natural available resources. This idea was the basis for his creation of the “wild garden” which he applied to many of his landscape designs.

During his career, Manning worked on more than 1700 projects including a number of park designs, private estates, city planning, college campuses, subdivisions, golf courses, and government and community projects. Manning’s brother joined him as a business partner between 1901 and 1904. Together they created a revolutionary park design for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania utilizing a new drainage and sanitation system. During the Depression years Manning’s practice did not do well and by the 1903s he was receiving very little commissions. In 1938, Manning died of a heart attack at the age of seventy-eight (Karson, 2001).

[edit] Manning's "wild gardens"

Early on in his career, Manning went against the then popular formalistic approach to landscape design and emphasized a more naturalistic approach of native plants and naturalistic groupings. The formal gardens of the late nineteenth century relied heavily on a more symmetrical design and an extensive use of ornament. Manning describes his wild gardening as “that form of floriculture which is concerned with planting in a nature-like manner colonies of hardy plants that require a minimum of care” (Karson, 2001). In his early, unpublished essay “The Nature Garden,” Manning writes:

I would have you give your thoughts to a new type of gardening wherein the Landscaper recognizes, first, the beauty of existing conditions and develops this beauty to the minutest detail by the elimination of material that is out of place in a development scheme by selective thinning, grubbing, and trimming, instead of by destroying all natural ground cover vegetation or modifying the contour, character, and water context of existing soil.

This idea of selective thinning and pruning was at the core of Manning’s landscape theory. He celebrated the smallest details in the landscape, emphasizing lichens and fungi in his design, which was contrary to his counterparts and unusual for this time in landscape design.

[edit] Gwinn: wild garden

In 1907, William Gwinn Mather, owner of Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company, asked Manning, along with Charles A. Platt to design his property outside of Cleveland, Ohio. Manning and Platt were hired to work together, but often with conflicting landscape designs for the same property. Platt, a more formalistic designer, emphasized paths, gates and other architectural elements while Manning based his designs on the “wild garden” approach (Karson, 1995). Manning inventoried the site’s pre-existing plants, and with selective pruning and thinning, created graceful planting groupings and spaces. Manning also shipped plants in from neighboring states including wildflowers from Michigan and rhododendrons from North Carolina (Karson, 2004). In 1912, Mather bought another large piece of property adjacent to the Cleveland location, at which Manning designed another “wild garden.”

[edit] Notable contributions

In 1899, three years after leaving the firm of Olmsted Sr., Manning proposed the creation of an organization for landscape architects. That year, Manning became one of the eleven charter members to start the American Society of Landscape Architects. Manning later served as the president of this professional organization in 1914 (Karson, 2000).

In addition to being an influential landscape architect, Warren H. Manning was also an avid writer and proponent of the conservation of America’s wilderness. As such, Manning worked on a large mapping project (1915-1916) and wrote a “National Plan” which advocated for the conservation of American’s lands.

[edit] Projects


William Gwinn Mather-Cleveland, OH
F.A. and Gertrude Seiberling-Stan Hywet Hall, Akron, OH
Gustave Pabst- Milwaukee, WI
August and Adolphus Busch-St Louis,IL
Cyrus and Harriet McCormick-Lake Forest, IL
J.J. Borland-Camden, ME
[Clement Griscom[1]]-Haverford, PA

Park systems Wilcox Park-Westerly (Memorial and Library Association of Westerly), RI

Milwaukee, WI
Minneapolis, MN
Providence, RI
Louisville, KY
Cincinnati, OH

[edit] References

Karson, R. (1995). The Gardens-William Gwinn Mather's resident in Bratenahl, Ohio. [Electronic Version]. Magazine Antiques, March.

Karson,R.(1997). "Warren H. Manning: Pragmatist in the Wild Garden", in Nature and Ideology: Natural Garden Design in the Twentieth Century, ed. Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn, Volume 18 of Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

Karson, R. (2000). Biographical Sketch: Warren Henry Manning. Retrieved October 23, 2006 from www.lalh.org/manningBioMain.html.

Manning, W. (1919). The Ciy Plan of Birmingham. Birmingham, Alabama: Subscription.

Manning,W. The Nature Garden, unpublished essay, Warren Manning Collection. Lowell, Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts.