Warner Caslet

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Commander Warner Caslet is a fictional character in the Honorverse.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Born on the planet Danville, he served in the People's Navy. He commanded the light cruiser PNS Vaubon during the first years of the war, until, in an ironic twist of events, he was forced to surrender to Honor Harrington after attempting to save her ship from Silesian pirates. Believing her ship to be an unarmed merchant vessel he attacked a pirate squadron to rescue it. This was in accordance with the letter of his orders but a clear defiance of the intent. It was the honorable intentions of this act that persuaded Lady Harrington to set him and his surviving officers free after her return to Manticore.

He was then assigned as Admiral Theisman's Operations Officer. He was then chosen as a military liaison for the Manticorian prisoners captured with Honor Harrington when Cordellia Ransom chose to transport them to Hades. He assisted in Honor Harrington's escape from State Security, fought alongside her and other Manticoran officers and prisoners of various nationalities against the forces of State Security on the planet Hades and defected to Manticore after a soul searching discussion with Amos Parnell, Ex-CNO of the People's Navy. He then relocated to Grayson, and was commissioned into the Protector's Own Squadron under the command of another Havenite defector, Admiral Alfredo Yu.