Warhammer Skirmish

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Warhammer Skirmish is a small-scale version of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, a renowned tabletop game, in which single Warhammer models are used as independent units. In this respect it is similar to Mordheim.

[edit] Gameplay

The form of playing follows all the basic rules of Warhammer. The game is divided up into Turns. A turn consists of five phases: Recovery, Movement, Magic, Shooting and Close Combat.

  1. Recovery: During the Recovery phase a player may attempt to rally individuals who have fled for a reason and recover models who have been knocked down or stunned.
  2. Movement: During the Movement phase you may move the warriors of your force according to the rules given in the Movement section.
  3. Magic: In the Magic phase any Wizards in your force may use spells.
  4. Shooting: In the Shooting phase you may shoot with any appropriate weapons as described in the rules for shooting.
  5. Close Combat: During the Close Combat phase all models in close combat may fight. Note that both sides fight in the Close Combat phase, regardless of whose turn it is.

[edit] Sources

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