War Wagon

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The War Wagon is a Korean unique unit in the strategy game Age of Empires II, and a German unique unit in Age of Empires III. In Age of Empires III the War Wagon is immensely strong against heavy cavalry, and has above average siege damage for a cavalry unit. In Age of Empires III, War Wagons can be upgraded to Guard War Wagons in the Industrial Age and to "Imperial War Wagons" in the Imperial Age, making them stronger than ever. The designated counter-unit for War Wagons is heavy infantry (such as pikemen or musketeers). Due to the fact that War Wagons are generally faster that heavy infantry, however, they can "hit and run" these units easily. Thus, War Wagons are actually best destroyed using any array of light infantry (or Skirmisher units) such as Skirmishers, Cassadores or Longbowmen; as light infantry receives a 1.5x attack bonus versus light cavalry.

Inspiration for the War Wagon comes from the Korean Hwacha, which were produced in the 1400s during the Joseon Dynasty. A Hwacha is a cart carrying a board filled with holes into which up to 100 singijeon mini-rockets or 200 arrows can be loaded and launched in a single volley. Large singijeon mini-rockets are 52cm bamboo sticks attached to paper barrels filled with gunpowder, iron spikes and a fuse. After launch, the fuse continues to burn until it hits the gunpowder and the projectile explodes, spraying the target with iron spikes. Unlike the offensive War Wagon, however, the Hwacha were primarily used as a defensive anti-personnel unit against Japanese invaders such as in the Battle of Haengju and against Samurai troops during the Seven Year War.

War Wagons were also developed independently by Hussite troops in Renaissance Bohemia. Formed into a laager and armed with arquebuses, they were instrumental in staving off attacks by the Holy Roman Empire (See Tabor).

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