Wang Xiaobo
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- This is a Chinese name; the family name is 王 (Wang).
Wang Xiaobo (Chinese: 王小波; pinyin: Wáng Xiǎobō) (May 13, 1952 – April 11, 1997) was a Chinese writer who became famous after his death.
Wang was born in an intellectual family in Beijing in 1952. He was sent to a farm in Yunnan province as an "intellectual youth" at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution in 1968. In 1971, he was sent to the countryside of Shandong province, and became a teacher. In 1972, he was allowed to return to Beijing, and he got a job as a working in a local factory. He met Li Yinhe in 1977, who was working as an editor for "Guangming Daily", and she later became his wife. He was accepted by Renmin University of China in 1978 where he studied economics and trade and got his Bachelor's Degree. He received his Master's Degree in the University of Pittsburgh in 1988. After he returned to China, he began to teach in Peking University and Renmin University of China. He quit his job as a college lecturer in 1992, and became a freelance writer. On April 11, 1997 he died suddenly of heart disease at his apartment.
Wang was very good at using simple words. His style (especially his sense of humor) was adopted by many young Chinese. He wrote a lot of essays while he was writing his novels. Many began to know Wang just from his essays. His western experience made him an independent and free writer. He was much influenced by Bertrand Russell from his essays while he often mentioned Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw and Marguerite Duras in his works. He suggested scientific and rational thinking, and fought against mind imprisonment.
His works became popular among Chinese youth after his death.
[edit] Works List
1.变形记 [王小波] 2.从INTERNET说起 [王小波] 3.思维的乐趣 [王小波] 4.我的精神家园 [王小波] 5.绿毛水怪 [王小波] 6.京片子与民族自尊心 [王小波] 7.奸近杀 [王小波] 8.极端体验 [王小波] 9.积极的结论 [王小波] 10.东西方快乐观区别之我见 [王小波] 11.道德堕落与知识分子 [王小波] 12.《代价论》、乌托邦与圣贤 [王小波] 13.打工经历 [王小波] 14.卖唱的人们 [王小波] 15.摆脱童稚状态 [王小波] 16.文明与反讽 [王小波] 17.我怎样做青年的思想工作 [王小波] 18.王朔的作品 [王小波] 19.艺术与关怀弱势群体 [王小波] 20.个人尊严 [王小波] 21.不新的《万历十五年》 [王小波] 22.沉默的大多数 [王小波] 23.我为什么要写作 [王小波] 24.战福 [王小波] 25.寻找无双 [王小波] 26.未来世界 [王小波] 27.白银时代 [王小波] 28.2015 [王小波] 29.黄金时代 [王小波] 30.红拂夜奔 [王小波] 31.歌仙 [王小波] 32.我自己 [王小波] 33.夜行记 [王小波] 34.智慧与国学 [王小波] 35.我看老三届 [王小波] 36.我看文化热 [王小波] 37.我看国学 [王小波] 38.我的师承 [王小波] 39.体验生活 [王小波] 40.一只特立独行的猪 [王小波] 41.道德保守主义及其他 [王小波] 42.谦卑学习班 [王小波] 43.跳出手掌心 [王小波] 44.荷兰牧场与父老乡亲 [王小波] 45.花刺子模信使问题 [王小波] 46.肚子里的战争 [王小波] 47.知识分子的不幸 [王小波] 48.盖茨的紧身衣 [王小波] 49.生命科学与骗术 [王小波] 50.椰子树与平等 [王小波] 51.文化之争 [王小波] 52.关于崇高 [王小波] 53.人性的逆转 [王小波] 54.中国知识分子与中古遗风 [王小波] 55.“行货感”与文化相对主义 [王小波] 56.1 [王小波] 57.2 [王小波] 58.3 [王小波] 59.4 [王小波] 60.写作与人生 [王小波] 61.我的丈夫——王小波 [王小波] 62.万寿寺 [王小波] 63.革命时期的爱情 [王小波] 64.我的阴阳两界 [王小波] 65.刘三姐 [王小波] 66.5 [王小波] 67.序言 [王小波] 68.理想国与哲人王 [王小波] 69.救世情结与白日梦 [王小波] 70.对中国文化的布罗代尔式考证 [王小波] 71.关于格调 [王小波] 72.关于幽闭型小说 [王小波] 73.关于“媚雅” [王小波] 74.卡拉OK和驴鸣镇 [王小波] 75.关于文体 [王小波] 76.欣赏经典 [王小波] 77.王小波全集第一卷:思维的乐趣 [王小波] 78.王小波全集第五卷:寻找无双 [王小波] 79.王小波全集第四卷:红拂夜奔 [王小波] 80.序 [王小波] 81.王小波全集第三卷:万寿寺 [王小波] 82.6 [王小波] 83.王小波彩绘插图本 [王小波] 84.我的精神家园: 王小波杂文自选集 [王小波] 85.王小波杂文自序 [王小波] 86.百姓·洋人·官 [王小波] 87.爱你就像爱生命: 王小波情书集 [王小波] 88.王小波全集: 纪念小波的最好方式 [王小波] 89.时代三部曲系列: 王小波作品系列 [王小波] 90.思维的乐趣: 智性的迷宫 [王小波] 91.黄金岁月 [王小波] 92.王小波:思维的乐趣 [王小波] 93.王小波全集2:我的精神家园 [王小波] 94.爱你就像爱生命 [王小波] 95.工作与人生 [王小波] 96.百姓·洋人·官 [王小波] 97.王小波情书:爱你就像爱生命 [王小波 李银河]