Walter Russell

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Walter Russell (18711963), is a controversial figure in physics and cosmogony. He posited that the universe was founded on the unifying principle of rhythmic balanced interchange. Although a number of his books have been published, few of his claims have been verified by mainstream academics.


[edit] Biography

Born in Boston, MA on May 19, 1871, Russell left formal schooling at the age of eight (ten in some accounts) in order to help support his family. Following his interest and skill in music, at thirteen he became a church organist. He paid his own way through Massachusetts Normal School of Art and supported himself from then on. A succession of jobs showcased his talents: art editor at Collier's Magazine, portraitist, author and lecturer, architect (Hotel des Artists, West 67th St., New York; Alwyn Court at 58th and Seventh Avenue; a Gothic studio opposite the Museum of Natural History on 79th St.), sculptor (including busts of Mark Twain, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, etc.). Some images of his work are available [1].

Russell also studied physics, and in this latter scientific period, he was one of a series of people, including Viktor Schauberger and Nikola Tesla, who advocated the transmission or acquisition of energy from what Einstein referred to as the 'fabric of space'.

His Swannanoa estate was to be the setting for his University of Science and Philosphy. He lived there with his second wife Lao Russell (1904May 5, 1988). Born Daisy Cook in England, and later known as Daisy Stebbing, Ms. Russell emigrated to the United States in the 1930s and marketed her own special beauty products, such as Beautipon, a breast enhancement cream, and Slimcream, a breast reduction cream. She advertised these in publications such as Popular Songs magazine, buying small classified ads. Her relationship with Walter Russell began in 1946 when Ms. Stebbing read his works and looked him up, eventually leading to Russell's re-marriage.

[edit] Legacy

Walter Russell presented to the world new theories such as the fundamental principles of energy dynamics, the nature of matter and the progression of the evolution of matter, and the depiction of the universe as a continuously changing, creating effort sustained by the systematic work effort of the energy of light which all matter is composed. His depictions of universal laws was expansive enough to be considered a complete nonstandard cosmology. Today his works are known as Russelian science.

Russell portrayed the principles of the unity of universal law in a way that brought many highly considered theories into direct conflict, or rather incompleteness, such as some of the fundamental principles derived by Newton. He presented a new view of the periodic table of elements that led him to the prediction of the existence of plutonium which was still unknown to mankind and soon after discovered, (as well as elements which are still unknown to mankind but have their mathematical placement in his charts) as well as the creation of heavy water which is required for the process of releasing nuclear energy. Russell’s periodic table has not however been adopted fully despite these discoveries, as it indeed defies a great deal of current scientific thought, primarily the nature of the evolution of matter and the unified wavelength principle on which his table is based.

Such conflicts have left the work of Russell somewhat in the category of obscurity as his cosmology, while complete in itself, would require upon its academic and scientific acceptance not only the upheaval of many scientific theories, but also matters such as the nature of God. The connections between matters that many consider religious has left many to dismiss all of his material.

Besides his scientific contributions, Russell was successful in a wide array of fields as well, including the fine arts, architecture, business, and of course writing. He was friend and advisor to many prominent historical figures such as the president of the United States and gave many lectures across the nation about the connection between these universal principles and the applications of such knowledge to human life. The University of Science and Philosophy is committed to publishing his books and perpetuating his teachings.

[edit] Russell and the New Age

The term "New Age" in its contemporary sense can be traced back at least to 1944. That year, American artist and philosopher Walter Russell published an essay in which he discussed “…this New Age philosophy of the spiritual re-awakening of man…”

As a mystic and visionary of the type described in Richard Maurice Bucke's 1901 work, Cosmic Consciousness, Russell accepted Bucke's premise that not only the human body, but also human consciousness, has evolved in stages. Human consciousness periodically makes progressive leaps, such as that from animal awareness to rational self-awareness many millennia ago. Russell believed with Dr. Bucke that humankind is now on the brink of making another key, evolutionary leap in consciousness. The next cycle of human evolution, said Bucke, will be from rational self-consciousness to spiritual super-consciousness on the order of that experienced by the great sages, religious figures, and mystics of the past 2,500 years and on up to today.

The idea was not that everyone would suddenly become a Christ, a Mozart, or an Einstein overnight. Rather, Bucke held that with each passing generation, more and more human beings will become routinely aware of their primary transcendent relationship to God, eternity, and the all-powerful creative source of the universe. Generations from now, Bucke believed, this level of enlightened, saint-like consciousness will be as common as rational self-awareness is now. In 1901, Bucke estimated that the number of individuals who have achieved this cosmically-conscious level of existence was tiny, but he speculated that their numbers were increasing steadily.

So it was that in 1947-48, Russell wrote: “This New Age is marking the dawn of a new world-thought. That new thought is a new cosmic concept of the value of man to man. The whole world is discovering that all mankind is one and that the unity of man is real – not just an abstract idea. Mankind is beginning to discover that the hurt of any man hurts every man, and, conversely, the uplift of any man uplifts every man” (Message of the Divine Iliad, vol. 2, p. 69). Russell’s predictions about what the New Age would bring included “a marriage between religion and science” (MDI p 257).

Russell appeared to believe that this "New Age" would begin in 1946, based on a vision he had in 1921.

Russell's ideas also have much in common with -- but are in no way formally associated with -- the New Thought movement and its religious expressions in such organizations as Science of Mind, Unity, and the like. The most extensive treatment of Russell's ideas are found in his book, “A Course in Cosmic Consciousness.”

After Russell's death in 1963, the term that he apparently coined took on a life of its own. The name New Age was popularized by the American mass media during the late 1980s,

[edit] Books

Russell's literary works can be found at the University of Science and Philosophy:

  • The Secret of Light, 3rd ed., 1994
  • The Message of the Divine Iliad, vols. 1 & 2
  • A New Concept of the Universe
  • The Electric Nature of the Universe
  • The Secret of Working Knowingly with God
  • The Self Multiplication Principle
  • The Fifth Kingdom Man
  • The Immortality of Man

[edit] Further reading

Clark, Glenn, The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe, Univ of Science & Philosophy, 1989 ISBN 1-879605-07-4

[edit] External links

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