Walter Nichols and Audrey Parker-Nichols

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Walter Nichols (played by Jonathan Goldstein) and Audrey Parker-Nichols (played by Nancy Sullivan) are fictional characters from Drake & Josh.

[edit] Walter Nichols

Walter is Josh's birth father, and he is a weatherman at the local TV station. Walter had almost become the weatherman for Good Morning Today, however, he did not get the job; Drake and Josh, thinking that the senior producer of the program was having an affair with Walter, ended up throwing food on her, thus ending Walter's chance of becoming "the most watched weatherman in America". His rival is Bruce Winchell, whom both Megan and Audrey seem to have crushes on. Usually, he doesn't want anyone in the house to mention his name. Walter thinks ships do not sink, as well as believing that the film Titanic was not based on a true story. He is allergic to cumin and seems to forget his wife's birthday. He is somewhat absentminded, but he eventually believes that Megan is evil with her mischiefs. The outside members of the family seen on the show, Grammy and Papa Nichols, are from his side of the family. He is extremely goofy and appears to have very bad coordination (this could explain Josh's). He does seem to have an aptitude for wrestling as he once showed Josh various wrestling moves on Drake (which was Josh's true intention). In Season 4, a new running gag for Walter is that his weather predictions are off. Usually, this means that he predicts that there will no rain and a torrential downpour ensues.

[edit] Audrey Parker-Nicols

Audrey is Drake and Megan's birth mother. Her profession is never specified. She always treats Megan like a "little angel", unaware of her daughter's large collection of espionage equipment and the ability to fool her brothers. Audrey is known to give in to Drake's requests, though it is usually "somewhere between the fourteenth and seventeenth time" Drake has asked her. She apparently knows what today's girls like, because she helped Josh learn how to pick up girls. This resulted in him getting 22 dates in one week. Audrey is a lot more playful than Walter which could say something about Drake and Josh's attitudes.