Walter Mignolo

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Walter Mignolo is an Argentine intellectual involved in the current developments of Coloniality; one of whose immediate movements in the Americas is Decoloniality. He is one of the principal Latin American colonial/postcolonial theorists working today. Much of his work deals with issues of language use in colonial, postcolonial and neoimperial contexts.

He is William H. Wannamaker Professor of Literature and Romance Studies as well as Cultural Anthropology at Duke University.

[edit] Works

  • The Darker Side of the Renaissance: Literacy, Territoriality and Colonization, U Michigan P, 1995
  • Global Histories/Local Designs, Princeton UP, 2000; The Idea of Latin America, Blackwell, 2005; "Double Critique: Knowledges and Scholars at Risk in th Post-Soviet World" (in collaboration with Madina Tlostanova), special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly, 2006.

[edit] External links