Walpole/Townshend Ministry

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[edit] Robert Walpole's Cabinet

First Lord of the Treasury
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Leader of the House of Commons
Sir Robert Walpole 1721–1730
Northern Secretary The Viscount Townshend 1721–1730
Southern Secretary The Lord Carteret 1721–1724
  The Duke of Newcastle 1724–1730
Lord Chancellor The Earl of Macclesfield 1721–1725
  The Lord King 1725–1730
Lord Privy Seal The Duke of Kingston 1721–1726
  The Lord Trevor 1726–1730
Lord President of the Council The Viscount Townshend 1721
  The Lord Carleton 1721–1725
  The Duke of Devonshire 1725–1730
  The Lord Trevor 1730
Master-General of the Ordnance The Duke of Marlborough 1721–1722
  The Earl Cadogan 1722–1725
  The Duke of Argyll 1725–1730
Paymaster of the Forces The Lord Cornwallis 1721–1722
  The Lord Wilmington 1722–1730
  • For several months in 1721, Lord Carteret concurrently held the positions of Northern Secretary and Lord President of the Council.