Walkabout (novel)

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Walkabout is a novel written by James Vance Marshall, first published in 1959. It is about two children who get lost in the Australian Outback and are helped by an Aborigine on his walkabout. A film based on the book came out in 1971, but it wasn't very faithful to the original plot.

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The book opens with two siblings, Mary and Peter, in a gully with diminishing food supplies. They are lost as a result of a plane crash and after swimming, and eating the last of their food, they decide to walk to their destination in Adelaide which, unknown to them, is across the continent.

They leave and start walking across the desert. They climb some hills and Peter sees what he thinks is the ocean. Mary looks and realises it is nothing more than salt in the desert. To keep this knowledge from Peter, she tells him they will rest below the hill.

In the night, Mary dreams about what happened. They were in a cargo plane when the engine caught on fire and the plane crashed. Everyone survived including the pilots, but they were killed when the plane exploded while Mary and Peter were at a safe distance. The incident stranded them in Sturt Plain in Northern Territory.

The next day they keep walking and searching for food. Their efforts are in vain and they don't find food. They keep walking even more and Peter thinks he notices someone. Suddenly out of nowhere an Aborigine seems to appear and startles Mary and Peter mostly due to his nudity. Hoping to make him leave out of shame, Mary glares at him. Eventually Peter sneezes and the Aborigine laughs. Hoping to find out about the strangers, he inspects both of them and finds nothing, so he leaves.

Peter and Mary, shocked that their only hope for survival had just left, soon follow. Peter attempts to communicate with him through gestures of eating and drinking and the Aborigine comprehends their situation. He indicates that they should follow him and the children do. He arrives at a waterhole where the children drink to their fill. Then, the Aborigine finds a plant which he prepares as food. After this, he begins to lead the children to the next waterhole.

On the way, Mary has an idea. She removes her pants from under her dress and gives them to the Aborigine in hopes of clothing him. Peter assists in the attempt and the Aborigine puts on the pants. Just then, Peter notices that they are girl's pants and starts jumping around mocking the Aborigine. The Aborigine suddenly thinks that the pants are decorations for a dance that Peter had just started and starts dancing himself. His movements depict two men fighting as a victory dance. At the end of the dance the pants snap and fall off. Mary is shocked and the Aborigine looks at her face. He is terrified for he thinks that Mary's shock is because she had seen the Spirit of Death in him.

They arrive at the next waterhole where the symptoms of the 'flu start to show in the Aborigine due to the fact Peter had the disease and had passed it on to him. He begins to worry and decides to tell the children he needs a burial platform to keep bad spirits from his body after he dies. Peter is gathering firewood so to avoid interrupting a man at work, the Aborigine seeks Mary who is bathing. The Aborigine doesn't see a bath as something that private in his culture so there is nothing to stop him. He arrives at the pool and Mary is terrifed and begins to threaten the Aborigine with snarls and a rock. He is confused why this is happening and becomes depressed that he will not get his burial platform.

Mary goes to Peter and tells him to leave with her. Peter wonders about the Aborigine though, and a hesitant Mary is forced to stay. Peter goes back to Mary and tells her that the Aborigine is very sick; afterwards Mary goes to investigate. Peter begins to realise that the Aborigine will die while Mary refuses to believe that can happen from the flu. He dies over the night and both children are saddened. They bury him and leave for the food and water-filled valley Peter was told about by the Aborigine before he died.

They stop at a pool where they eat some yabbies and observe platypuses and leave. After crossing many hills they come across the valley. They discover some wet clay which they use to draw pictures with. Peter draws nature while Mary draws stylish women and her dream house. Eventually the children see smoke and see Aboriginal swimmers. They arrive at the Aboriginal settlement where one of the swimmers, a man, sees the drawings. He sees Mary's dream house and realises who Mary and Peter are. In a wide variety of gestures and drawings, he tells the children that there is a house like that across the hills and demonstrates how to get there. The overjoyed children begin their trek back to their civilization.