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The W84 is an American thermonuclear warhead designed for use on the BGM-109G Gryphon Ground Launched Cruise Missile (GLCM). It is a derivative of the B61 nuclear bomb design and a close relative of the W80 warhead used on the AGM-86 ALCM, AGM-129 ACM, and BGM-109 Tomahawk SLCM cruise missiles.

The W84 is a variable yield nuclear weapon, with yields ranging from 0.2 kiloton to 150 kilotons.

The W84 was designed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory starting in 1978, based on the B61 nuclear bomb weapon design originated at Los Alamos National Laboratory. It was manufactured starting in 1983, with a total of 350 units produced according to some sources (and 530 according to others).

The W84 is 13 inches in diameter and 34 inches long, slightly wider and longer than the W80 warhead used on air launched and sub launched cruise missiles. It weighs 388 pounds, almost 100 pounds heavier than the W80.

The W84 has all eight of the modern types of nuclear weapon safety features identified as desirable in nuclear weapon safety studies. It is the only US nuclear warhead which has all eight features. These include insensitive, TATB based plastic bonded high explosives.

The W84 warheads are in Enduring Stockpile storage; the GLCM missiles which previously carried them have been destroyed to comply with the INF treaty, but the warheads are being maintained in case a future application is required.

[edit] See also

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