
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4 Jan '04


I've never been any good at these little auto-biographical pieces, so bear with me. I'm new here at Wikipedia. I was alerted to the existence of this place by a wise friend who comes here often to research. I've been perusing and snooping around here for about a week or two now and I find myself becoming strangely enamored with the unique idea of a user created/maintained online encyclopedia. I think it's neat as hell, actually.

I'm 44 years old and live in Tampa, Florida, USA. I have many and varied interests and hobbies... anything from literature, history, and philosophy to mechanics, electronics, and motorcycle riding. I hope to use some of my wide-ranging experience and knowledge as a basis for contributions here at Wikipedia.

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for listening to me ramble.


V.T. Eric Layton

~Tempus Fugits~